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(so youre telling me i got around 50k reads in five days or so😀)

tubbo was trying to act as excited and loyal as possible. "i'm ready for the speech. i'm ready for the speech, mr. president."

"let's hear it, sir." quackity said as schlatt approached the mic. you didn't say or want to say anything.

schlatt cleared his throat before speaking loudly. "people of l'manberg! ... and tommyinnit and wilbur soot once we find them and expel them (??? didnt you already???) from our great nation." schlatt added. there's no way they were still around, right? you hoped they knew how dangerous it would be to return. "the moon rises on another beautiful night in our country. the next page of the textbook. i reckon our country needs to expand!" this caught yours and the people below's attention, as some shifted to sit up straighter in interest. "i reckon we take down these walls." outcries of protest were heard.

"schlatt- schlatt you can't do that."

you agreed with everyone else. schlat couldn't take down the walls! they have been here every since you joined l'manberg. "schlatt, please, you've already done enough." you stammered. "y/n, my dear y/n, how about you come up here and tell them what you want them to do! you're also second in command, come take my place." schlatt had basically ignored your pleads like he usually did. "i don't thing that's a good idea, mr. president." tubbo advised. "of course it's a good idea, tubbo. god, sometimes i can't stand you. c'mon, y/n. now." schlatt stepped aside, making room for you behind the mic. you reluctantly did what he said. schlatt placed a hand on your shoulder making you flinch. "y/n. tell them to take down the walls." he whispered, making you shake your head.

"but i don't think that's a good-"
"tell them right now before i do something both of us will regret."

that shut you up. "all people- all citizens of l'manberg." you spoke at a normal tone into the mic, your voice travelling through the speakers. you found it annoying. "all citizens of l'manberg are required, required, to help tear down the walls of this country." you finished shakily, words of disapproval interrupting you.

"you have no right to do that, y/n!" niki shouted. eret, many others, and surprisingly quackity agreed. you wanted to cry. this isn't what you wanted at all. "i'm-"
"this ends the second presidential speech. let's get to work."
schlatt butted in before you could utter an apology. "let's get work!" quackity managed to squeeze in with george following. "wooo! pickaxes!"


fundy was the first to eagerly get to work. wilbur's son. a schlatt supporter. he immediately started getting to work bringing down the walls. you stood behind tubbo, who had slowly broken away two blocks of the black bricks. "we can't do this, tubbo." thats when george came over and shoved tubbo out of the way, a pickaxe in his hand.

"hurry it up, tubbo." he hissed, taking over this section of the wall and quickly demolishing it. tubbo stumbled out of the way. you helped him regain his balance before storming over to george. "hey! you don't speak to tubbo like that, you colourblind bitch. i bet you can't even see what colour pickaxe you're holding." you pointed aggressively at him. "it's alright, y/n." tubbo tried to speak. "watch it, y/n. you're lucky we kept you here. i hope you know you're here only to be handed over to dream." george scoffed, getting back to work and blocking you out.

"tubbo, come on! what's going on here, y/n?" schlatt was holding a pickaxe in his hand like it was a weapon as he strut proudly towards you and tubbo. "hey, schlatt..." tubbo spoke nervously. he also didn't want the walks to be gone. "george just fucking-" schlatt shushed you, putting his arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards him in an awkward hug. "whatever george did is unimportant. tear down the goddamn walls now." he brushes ofd whatever complaint you were going to give him.

"schlatt, i really don't-"
"tear them down!"
"schlatt, i really don't-"

tubbo was cut off by schlatt's balled up fist colliding with his face. "tubbo!" you cried, forcing yourself out of schlatt's now weak grip and running over to support tubbo. he had doubled over and was holding his jaw where schlatt had punched him with his hand. tears pricked at his eyes and threatened to escape. "now! if you aren't gonna find wilbur soot and tommyinnit you might as well make yourself helpful!" everyone went silent at that, the only sounds being tubbo's whimpers of pain. "this wall comes down."  schlatt was ready to walk away from the scene he had made. "do not even touch tubbo, you goat looking bastard. do that one more time and i will fucking slaughter you." you glared at schlatt, who smirked. "y/n, you're cute when you're like this. acting all tough and scary and shit, yet wanting to run and cry like a fuckin' baby. i'm glad we got to meet again." you were so fucking close to slicing him with the sword you had brought out but quackity, who had been watching the ordeal go down with front row seats, stood in front of schlatt with his own blade.

"y/n, put the sword down." tubbo said weakly. "are you sure that's a good idea? taking down the walls and everything." you moved away as tubbo stood back up. you could see a bruise forming where he had been assaulted. "it's for the benefit of the nation, tubbo, y/n." tubbo copied what schlatt was doing and started to break down the wall again to your dismay.

"schlatt, i'll be the first to warn you. you're lining up for a second war." eret spoke up. he didn't seem to like schlatt, who laughed at his warning.

"maybe i am, eret. maybe i am."

1005 words

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