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everyone was finally asleep. or at least, everyone went back to where they slept. you made sure you had your sword in your inventory.

no one really knew how the inventories worked. if you wanted to bring something with you, you could make it disappear and then reappear in your hands whenever you wanted. for example, you always carried your sword, bow, shield, food, enderchest, pickaxe, axe, shovel, and materials to build with on you. you could only carry so many things though, but you don't have a lot, so you rarely had a full inventory.

you quietly unlocked and opened the l'manberg gate, cringing when the hinges squealed. it sounded like they were in pain. you let out a sigh of relief as you heard no one stirring. you made sure you closed the door behind you.

you trekked up the steep wooden staircase that lead from l'manberg to the dream smp. you made sure to listen out for any monsters, like zombies or skeletons, when you passed through the tunnel that cut through a hill. you had to admit, the dream smp was nice, but l'manberg was your home. you had never been a citizen of dream smp in the first place, so it wasn't a surprise that you favoured l'manberg.

"what the fuck are you doing?" you shouted in a hushed tone as you heard footsteps running behind you and turned around, seeing tommy chasing after you. "we're banned from these lands!" you explained, making sure to keep your voice down. "thats what makes it fun! what are you doing?" tommy questioned, his voice louder. you starting make shushing sounds and waving your hands to tell him to quiet down. "getting our stuff. now, are you going to help me, or are you going to keep shouting?" you rolled your eyes and started walking again, towards tommy's house. was it a house? it was kind of a little stone cave built in the side of a hill. "i'm coming, i'm coming." the boy groaned, following behind you. "good. and maybe keeping it down would be good." it was more of a demand than a request.

"okay, i'm going to my farm. you grab the stuff from your place." you two were now standing outside tommy's hut. you stared at him as tommy said nothing. "you did bring an enderchest with you... right?" you asked, flipping through your inventory to see if you had a spare enderchest. you already knew the answer. "...no." you huffed, seeing as you didn't have one. "tommy. you absolute idiot. you nimrod. you stupid person. you dickhead. you-" "okay! okay! i get it." tommy interrupted you, already entering his place. "i have the inventory space, Y/N. no need to scold me." you heard him mutter, along with a string if curses. you covered your face with your hands. you regretted not sending him back. "head back home when you're done. i don't want you getting discovered and dragging me down with you." you said, your voice muffled by your hands.

your farm wasn't far, and you started heading towards it. you could also take back the animals you had there. cows, chickens, and pigs. tommy's cow, henry, also lived there, and you knew how much tommy loved his cow. you placed down your enderchest, ready to harvest your now fully-grown crops.

you froze. someone was watching you. you could feel someone's gaze on you. you shot up and out of your crouching position, summoning your sword in your hand and scanning your surroundings.

you let out a yelp as a sword clashed against yours and squeezed your eyed shut, ready for another attack that you were not prepared for. the sound of metal against metal made you think your ears were bleeding. or, at least one the swords were a metal. the other was netherite. was netherite a metal?

you opened your eyes, quickly realizing, 'oh shit. i gotta fight.' you were met with someone much taller than you, with dirty blonde hair and a green hoodie. and a...mask? it was a circle with a smiley face drawn on it with what seemed like a sharpie. it covered the man's eyes an nose, leaving only below his node visible. you assumed this was dream, the green bastard. you pulled your sword away, then instantly lashed with it. the green guy was too fast, and easily blocked it. he seemed like he was bored. throughout the fight, his skills made yours seem like nothing.

he pressed his sword up against yours, then twisted your arm, making you drop your sword to the ground. 'how is he so good?!' you wondered as you dropped to the ground to pick it up, but green boy kicked it away. he pointed his sword at you, making you start to scrambled backwards to get away, but had to stop once you hit your enderchest. 'goddammit!' the tip of dream's blade was now a few centimetres from impaling your throat. one wrong move, and you were dead. you cowered below him, staring up at him with frightened eyes. "either get the fuck away from me or just kill me now and get it over with." you spat, trying to sound hostile despite your position. he stared back at you. you couldn't tell just from his mouth if he looked bored or wasn't showing any emotion. "how about neither for now." now he was showing a smirk. he pressed the blade against your throat, making your breath hitch. "how about i let you run back to l'manchildberg, alive, and let you tell your president a messages from dream." why was he referring to himself in the third person? "whatever it is, tell him yourself." wow. you have some guts to speak to dream like that. "feisty now, are we?" dream tilted his head slightly to the side. "tell wilbur that if i do not see white flags outside his walls to signify surrender in two days, at dawn, he and everyone else that are a apart of l'manchildberg are dead." surrender? hah! he wishes. you narrowed your eyes at him. "its l'manberg. where the hell did you get the "child" part from. i never knew someone could be this stupid."
"it seems like you would rather let me kill you-"
"i take it back! i'll tell him. just, let me take my stuff back to l'manberg." you pleaded, suddenly regretting what you had said before. "i'm feeling nice tonight, so yes, but i'll be watching." slowly, dream pointed his sword away from you, making you relax your tense muscled and slowly rise. you awkwardly started to harvest your wheat, carrots, potatoes, and beetroots and placing them in your enderchest as dream watched your every move.

"what's your name?" dream asked after a long period of silence. you missed that silence. "why?" you asked roughly. why was he acting so friendly all of a sudden? "just wondering. i know you're part of l'manchi- l'manberg, but i've never met you." dream had to correct himself. "Y/N." you said reluctantly as you put a lead on the two pigs you kept. "Y/N.." you heard him echo quietly, as if trying to remember or realize something. "when did you join l'manberg? you were never apart of the dream smp before." 'why is he asking so many questions?' you did the same with henry and the two other cows you kept. "a week after l'manberg was founded. why are you being so nosy?" you hissed. you had now gathered all your materials and animals, and was now picking up your enderchest. you barely heard dream mutter an apology. "now, get out of my land, or i'll slaughter you." dream raised his sword again, his mood quickly changing. you stayed silent and started walking back to l'manberg, trying to act calm.

once you knew you were out of dream's sight, you started running, dragging the animals behind you and now fully panicking. had tommy gotten home safely? what is dream lied and was already planning his attack right now?

you entered l'manberg, locked the gate, released the animals to roam free within the walls, then ran towards wilbur's hut. you knocked, then barged in, abruptly awaking the sleeping man.
"dream wants war."

1384 words

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