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before you had left, dream had stopped by pogtopia. he had been upset, obviously jealous that you were hanging around techno, but had told him that he had to keep you by his side no matter what, saying that he didn't want you getting hurt. techno had agreed without an argument.

now you and techno were waiting idly outside manberg but still within earshot of the stage. you heard you and tubbo's names echoing from the mic, calling you over.

"heyy, schlatt, what's up?" tubbo was the first to speak as he approached the stage, you following shortly after with techno right behind you like he was your bodyguard. you didn't say anything as you stared up at the intimidating schlatt who was standing proudly behind the mic.

"it's party time!" schlatt seemed genuinely happy as he stared down at you two. he didn't know what was coming. "it is party time!" tubbo echoed cheerfully, bouncing slightly. you copied his energetic persona. you didn't want to give anything away.

"oh my god, this place looks awesome!" schlatt pointed out. you had to admit, you were proud of the decorating. too bad it would be destroyed soon. "it looks amazing. we did a great job, didn't we, y/n?" tubbo asked you.

"oh, yeah. we did. it looks great!" you matched tubbo's energy. "holy crap. tubbo, y/n, this is fantastic!" you and tubbo thanked schlatt for his praises as quackity came to join you, appearing on the stage beside schlatt.

"so it's all kicking off in fifteen minutes, isn't it, schlatt?." tubbo asked, both quackity and schlatt answering with 'yep's.'

you spent your fifteen minutes chatting with techno. it wasn't really a conversation, you were more listening to techno ramble on about something in history and then nodding or saying small snippets of words during pauses in between his words to make it seem like you were following. tubbo had showed schlatt some of the attractions that had been built, like the rollercoaster and the walmart wipeout course with schlatt nearly drowning during the tour. he had also shown schlatt the boxing ring, where schlatt more or less nearly shot quackity in the head with a bow he had stolen from the dunk tank and then almost stabbed him with an axe.


schlatt tapped on the microphone a couple of times before yelling at the crowd below to be quiet.

you were standing beside schlatt with quackity on the other side of you. schlatt was standing between tubbo and you, which wasn't ideal. it will be harder to communicate.

techno hadn't wanted you to go onto the stage. he said that he told dream that he would keep you by his side no matter what. you had learned quickly that techno was one to keep his word. he almost never broke promised. but you had to join schlatt on the stage. everything would turn out worse if you spoke out against him and didn't follow what he ordered.

"uh, hello everybody and welcome to the festival!" schlatt started, already encouraged everyone to clap and cheer to which they complied. "i've invited all the citizens of manberg and some very close friends of mine to enjoy the festivities that- that this.. nation.. something. i don't know." out of the corner of your eye you saw tubbo placing his hand over his eyes and dragging it down his face. you fought the urge to do the same.

"basically, i wanna throw a party." schlatt summed it up easily. "you guys know me. i'm a partier. i enjoy a good party, y'know? so i decided to put on together for you all." this turned into schlatt asking tubbo if he had planted any lettuce. tubbo said he did. you stayed quiet as you had no idea how lettuce became the main topic. "anyways, thank you all for being here. we can just party for awhile, 'cuz that's what parties are all about." everyone clapped once again as schlatt finished his speech and got everyone to cheer, "democracy!" you didn't join in on the cheer. techno was very eager to talk about state secrets after that. the idea was quickly shot down.

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