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(yall if you dm me just "hi," "hello," or ask me when the next chapter is going to be 98% of the time i wont respond)

tubbo seemed to have both the patience and the time to take the trip back to manberg, grab some notes he had written about the festival, and return. this made you, wilbur, and tommy all wait impatiently for him.

"i'm back! i got the book!" tubbo announced his return, this time entering pogtopia from the underground tunnel that lead from manberg to the ravine that had turned out to be one of tommy's old mines. tubbo had written down everyone's jobs and the attendee. you could barely read his printing.

tubbo was lead decorator while fundy, karl, and you were also on decorating. the ones who were invited ranged from people you didn't know, like callahan, someone called badboyhalo, and antfrost, to people you were surprised were being invited, like technoblade and niki. tommy and wilbur's names had been written messily but then scribbled out, a small sad face doodled next to their names.

"why the fuck is the blade invited but we aren't?" tommy criticize angrily. "y/n's also invited!"

"wow, it's almost liked they weren't banished from a nation!" wilbur said, his surprised voice very fake and forced. it was lucky tommy wasn't invited. he wouldn't find as much satisfaction in the explosion as much as you did.

you went quiet. did you hear foot steps? "shut it. i hear something." you silenced tommy and wilbur's bickering. for a split second you thought it could be dream but you quickly realized that these footsteps were way too loud to be his.

"tubbo?" a terribly familiar voice echoed from the tunnel that tubbo came from. you could almost hear everyone's hearts dropping. they recognized schlatt's voice too. "should i go talk to him?" tubbo asked in a whisper. wilbur shook his head and whispered back, "give it a minute. he's probably lost." tommy's mine broke off into many different tunnels, some going around in endless circles, others going far down until there was a dead end, and some travelling miles in one direction until it hit a wall. it was very easy to get lost. "i'm gonna go talk to him." wilbur tried to stop him, but tubbo had already started breaking through the wall with a pickaxe to enter the tunnel from a different angle.

"hey!" you heard tubbo greet schlatt. their voices were very audible so you assumed that they were near. "if schlatt comes around that corner at least hide y/n." wilbur whispered, not moving just like you and tommy.

"hey, uh, while i was talking up on my podium i saw you sneak away into an underground place." schlatt got right to the point. "and we followed you down here and we lost you." wilbur nodded. his suspicions were right, schlatt was lost. "first of all, we checked around this little library, as you call it, and we searched every nook and cranny. and, hold on it gets even worse, because we found a bunch of books." what did schlatt have against books? a fear of reading? did schlatt have bibliophobia? "we found a bunch of books. so would you like to explain what those are all about? also, also, would you like to explain where you were, where y/n ran off to, and where we are?" schlatt asked. you started to follow their voices through the mining system, wanting to pinpoint how far away from pogtopia schlatt was. you think you were going the right way.

"forgive me for caring about this so much tubbo, but you're my right hand, y'know, i like to pay attention to what you and y/n are doing. i like to see the progress you've made."

"you want to see what i've been doing? c'mon down to the end of this tunnel. it's a dead end."

you pressed yourself against the cold stone walls. schlatt, quackity, fundy, and tubbo were just around this corner. you peeked your head around the corner. tubbo was leading schlatt down a tunnel that headed away from pogtopia.

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