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(I DONT KNOW WHERE I LEFT OFF LAST TIME wait nevermind 🧘‍♀️✨)

you yawned as you hopped the last step of the stairs like you usually did, landing awkwardly and nearly falling.
(what is this wording-)
"morning, y/n." george greeted you. it sounded like he had just woken up as well. "morning, gogy. where's dream at?" you asked. he was usually downstairs when you woke up and was the first to say good morning, but today he wasn't. "he's out somewhere. he might be in the nether, actually." you made a "mhm" sound as you bit into a piece of bread you had stolen from the kitchen. (does anyone else try to spell piece like peice all the time or is that just me) why would anyone choose to go there? the only reasons you could think of would be to get netherite or blaze rods for potions, but it appeared that he had plenty of those materials laying around.


you let out a string of curses and a sigh of relief as you nearly dropped your heavy watering can into a rose bush. that would've been a pain in the ass to retrieve if you had dropped it.

when will wilbur plan to get the discs back? putting up this stupid facade for everyone here is getting hard. you wondered as you gently showered some smaller white flowers. for a second you thought they were some lily of the valley flowers, but after a second of thinking, you confirmed they were not. it was some other flora you couldn't identify. although this garden had a large smorgasbord of plants, it didn't have your favourite flower, f/f (favourite flower), growing in it. you had complained to dream about it, who had rolled his eyes and told you it wasn't a big deal, although he looked distracted.

once you were done with your task of tending to the plants, you sat down in the grass near the jukebox after playing some random disc you had picked out from the chest beside a small outdoor table with an empty flower pot on it. dream had many discs, so why did he want tommy's? why were they valuable to him. unless pill- philza was also his dad.

actually, that wouldn't make a lot of sense.


this time, it was tubbo and tommy who had come to visit. they had come early, and had walked, uh, snuck? into you jamming out to some of those funky beats🤟🤩🤟, and had startled you by calling your name when you had been starring off into space.

"okay, so wilbur thinks in four days we can get the discs back. he says the walls that me and fundy have been preparing will probably be done by then, and he's right, they should." tubbo was giving you a status report? "alright, great job, children. i am very proud 😌" tommy seemed much more offended by your comment than tubbo was, who didn't mind being called a child as much as tommy. "we are very big men. dream is a small man 😌" you smiled at tommy's remark.
"just like his d-"
"okay, let's.. let's stop there."
tubbo butted in before you could finish. "whats been going on in the 'berg?" you asked, sitting down crosslegged in the grass. you could see tubbo and tommy doing the same through a gap in the leaves you had made. "i fucking hate that. don't call it that shit name again." tommy expressed his opinion on your use of names very strongly.
"tubbo and fundy have been repairing the walls and the van. wilburs been replanting some trees and fixing the ground."
"and what have you been doing?"
"well, i've been-"
"he has been doing nothing to help revive l'manberg other than saying he's keeping guard. we know that you've been running around and griefing stuff." tubbo exposed tommy, who loudly disagreed. this resulted in them starting to fight, to which you begged for them to quiet down.

you managed to be able to hold a definitely not-normal conversation with them for nearly an hour before george came outside to check on you. you told him that you thought you saw a rabbit through the hedges as tubbo and tommy made their grand escape with a reluctant goodbye. george, obviously not wanting to talk to you, the prisoner, went back inside saying that dream had returned.

you groaned as you stood up and approached the juke box. as you were about to put a new disc in, you saw dream come outside out of the corner of your eye.

"y/n? i, uh- here, just take it." he held his bandaged hand out as he stood before you. he had brought you some flowers.
f/f. you felt your face light up as you were handed them and held them in your hands.
(anyone else have WEIRDLY SMALL HANDS❓im older than most of my friends and i have tiny ass hands andfeet)
"i thought these flowers weren't a big deal?"
"i lied."
a simple answer. "thank you."' you said, turning to gently place them into the empty pot on the table. "you should be able to replant them so that they grow. i tried not to pull off a bunch of the stems. i can see why you like them, they are very pretty." you heard him mutter something after it, but unfortunately, you couldn't hear him. "my mom used to grow them a lot before something happened and i had to leave home three years ago."
you explained.
"what happened? if you're fine answering?"
"the bastard that took over our town killed her and my dad for rebelling against that fucking goat-man. i should have killed that bitch right then and there, and i know i could've. i decided to leave the day after that episode. i was travelling until i met wilbur, who let me join l'manberg. first home i had in three years."
"i'm really sorry that happened. now i see why you're so attached to l'manberg and wilbur. if i ever see that bastard again, it's on sight."
"it's fine, i'm over it now."
that was a lie. their deaths still hurt, and dream could tell. luckily for you, he didn't say anything. you wanted a new topic. there was a short silence between you two, which you didn't mind. "me and sapnap used to always be on our own together. both of us were orphans. we met george when i was sixteen and he was fifteen in the middle of nowhere." traumatic backstory.
"right before we came here, me and george managed to get split up from sapnap in a random, totally not caused by us, forest fire, but luckily he found our trail and found us building a brick building on water like it was some sort of god."
his small comment at the end made you exhale deeply in a laugh.
(like when you see a tiktok or somethinf thats funny but not funny enough to actaully laugh at)

1190 words

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