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you had a lot on your mind and sleep wasn't coming to you. you forced yourself to get up, there were more things for you to do besides sit there and worry.

it was hard to see, but through the darkness of the night you could see the silhouette of a man with animal horns and ears leaving l'manberg. it was schlatt. this was the worst time for him to show up.

"y/n! what're you doing up?" schlatt noticed you creeping a long the tall walls, trying to get closer to the van. his stupid animal ears must've heard you. you stopped where you are, hoping he would lose you. "i can still see you." he deadpanned, now approaching you. "couldn't sleep." you said. "me neither. i'm going to meet with dream, you should come with me. dream seems to have take a liking to you." you faced him with a glare. "shut up and go away." you snapped, catching schlatt by surprise. you realized your tone a moment too late. "what was that, y/n?" schlatt said, his hand on your chin and making you look up at him. despite being terrified of thus man, you weren't going to be submissive this time. your sleep deprivation was getting to you. "are you deaf? i don't repeat myself anymore, jschlatt." you pulled your face away from him. "i never taught you to be a complete bitch. watch your pretty little mouth, y/n." he caught your wrist, which you had raised it to beat him with.

he backed you against the wall, a smug smile painted on his face. "y/n, do you really want to do that?" he whispered, leaning down to your height. "we used to have so much fun together! what happened these past years?" you could feel his breath on your ear. you said something that could barely be heard. "speak up." changing your answer, you replied loudly. "fuck off, schlatt. i'm sick of you acting like we ever 'had fun' together."

someone had to have heard that.

you had never been so happy to see a tired looking wilbur before in your life.

"schlatt! stop harassing the only sane person in these lands." wilbur tried to sound demanding through his tired voice. "we were just talking, will." schlatt caved in and backed off once wilbur came into the picture. "go away. i can tell you've already caused enough trauma." you stared at the ground as they started fighting, schlatt telling wilbur that nothing was happening and that he wanted to stay whilst wilbur was telling him to piss off. "fine. i was leaving anyways." schlatt shot you a pompous look as he stalked off, as if knowing he caused some damage.

"y/n? why're you up?" wilbur spoke softly, waiting patiently for you to reply. "the election is- i'm just nervous. the election is making me nervous. i just wanted to go to the van." you stammered. "and then schlatt came along and i'm tired and not thinking straight and said some stuff. he terrifies me, wilbur." you whispered the last part. he nodded in an understanding way. "i can tell. it's my fault, y/n." you shook your head. "no, will. it's not your fault." you told him. "it's cold and i'm going to try and sleep again, i guess. night, wilbur." after checking to make sure you were okay, wilbur said goodnight and hesitantly let you go.


you hadn't slept much, but you had managed to get in a couple hours.

the election was today.

it was now the afternoon. you had put in your vote for pog2020 nearly right after you woke up, earning a disappointed stare from schlatt and proud, happy ones from tommy, tubbo, and wilbur. wilbur had checked on you a few times since last night's events and you hadn't seen dream, or so you thought.

"you're going to beat schlatt today, tommy!" even thought you were very pessimistic about the upcoming event, you didn't want bring down tubbo's confidence in his best friend.

"you put your vote in, y/n?" tommy turned to you, nearly tripping of the path, the prime path, that you were walking on. "of course. pog2020 supporter right here." you pointed proudly at yourself. "i'm sure you'll win." you forced, doubting tommy's win. "do you think george, sapnap, and dream will come on time?" tubbo asked for you and tommy's opinion. "pshh, hope not. fucking dream can't keep his hands off y/n and sapnap is... sapnap. a bitch boy is what he is. george will probably sleep through it." tommy hoped. "what tommy said." you agreed, seeing tommy happy that you agreed with him. "you don't like dream, right y/n? he fucking kidnapped you. who does that kind of shitty thing?!" you nodded. "dream apparently does. yeah, he's a no from me for now."

you paused to stare at what was left of quackity's burnt down building. most of it was in ashes. "it looked like shit before. it looks better this way, right y/n?" you agreed with tommy, tubbo doing the same. "i really don't think quackity cared at all. he didn't seem phased at the rally and didn't even talk about it." you told them as you kept walking. you were going nowhere in particular, you were just walking. tommy followed eagerly, tubbo already going along with you before tommy noticed you were beginning to leave.

"you'll get rid of schlatt when you win?" you wanted reassurance. "of course! that bitch will be out of here right away, or at least out of l'manberg. he's just a pain in the ass, right y/n?" tommy asked you again. he always seemed to want your opinion or see if you agreed with him after he said something. "hate the guy. the election will be in a couple hours, guys. i need time to mentally prepare." tubbo threw in a "same."

tommy and wilbur were going to lose. you knew it. dream and schlatt have something going on that will ensure schlatt's victory. but you couldn't let everyone know about your doubts. the only one who would listen and reassure you would probably be dream, but you did not want to talk to him.

1046 words


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