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(someone asked for a dream pov for this chapter but writing dream pov is scary so thats why i barely do it)
(omg dreams such a b-b-b-baka 🥺👉👈)

dream slowly lowered the mask from his face once y/n disappeared.

she said it. she said she loved him. she kissed him. well, she kissed the mask, but this mask was a part of dream.

why was he blushing? dream didn't blush. he didn't get flustered. but look where he is now. on a rooftop, blushing because of the girl he had fallen in love with on accident.

for the first few days when dream had first spoken to her it was just teasing. it wasn't long until the teasing and complimenting became serious. it became an unhealthy fixation. he needed to be around her all the time. this wasn't just some childish crush, one that you would tell your friends about and then forget about it next week. dream had fallen in love. he had fallen hard and faster than he wished he did.


the festival.

it was today. you felt both nervous and excited. it would all end today.

when you had woken up this morning it seemed like dream was avoiding you. the moment you stepped downstairs he gave you an awkward "good morning" like he usually did and then quickly fled the room, leaving you alone with george. george made fun of him, mocking him for being "nervous around a girl," whilst you were left confused.

after that you left to return to pogtopia to mentally prepare yourself for the event. it was supposed to start at noon so you had about an hour to kill. right when you arrived in the ravine tommy started trying to talk you and wilbur out of this again. you had planned to have one last one peaceful hangout with techno before it all went to shit, but with tommy and wilbur fighting you couldn't do that. you sat beside techno, watching as wilbur did the talking. as usual.

"that 56 tnt that dream gave us isn't all that we laid. tommy, we are gonna do one last plea to you and we want you to listen carefully." you hated how wilbur was speaking for you but every time you tried to speak up he talked right over you. "you don't have to agree, but just respect this, tommy." wilbur paused for a moment. "manberg is being detonated tonight whether you are on our side or not." he said firmly, earning a disapproving look from tommy, a happy one from you, and an unreadable stare from techno.

"but we've been through a lot." wilbur started. "we've been through so much together, man. don't drop this all over your weird ideas of patriotism and heroism." this sounded like manipulating, but you wouldn't know since you put up with it for most of your life. this seemed normal to you. "this isn't a thing of heroism, tommy. this is a thing of victory!" the frustration could be heard in wilbur's voice. "this is your last chance to get on our side, tommy." he gestured behind him to you and techno.

there was a moment of silence before tommy spoke quietly. "you've already laid the tnt?" you answered with a small "yes." you could see tommy's stomach drop as he let out a shaky sigh.

"in the end it doesn't matter who's side your on. just, for today-" wilbur nearly spoke over tommy but went dead silent when he heard him.

"wilbur, wilbur. y/n. i'm with you." tommy said. wilbur, ecstatic about this, quickly turned around at this to meet your approving gaze.

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