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you and wilbur had resorted to sitting in a tense quietness for 20 minutes as you both waited impatiently for tommy to come out of the locked room.

wilbur went straight to talking nearly the moment tommy unlocked the door and stepped out with a "wilbur."

"it's all bullshit. what, tommy?" tommy scoffed at wilbur's fast response. "wilbur, y/n, i just took a trip into me old mind. i've thought. it's not too far gone, alright." it looked like tommy was finally ready to have a serious talk. "there's a reason i gave up my discs. it isn't too far gone. you keep talking about l'manberg like it's.. we can restore it! we can build l'manberg back to it's former glory. you don't have to just decide that it's over now. you're being reckless. both of you are being reckless." you heaved a frustrated sigh.

"i have spent hours trying to 'build it back to it's former glory,' tommy. schlatt has put me and tubbo to work with making us make manberg look great again, and i will admit, it does! open space, paths, lanterns... what did l'manberg have? a few constricting walls with an old, shitty druggie van that doesn't even work and a bunch of trees." you ranted. "do you see what schlatt's done? we may not agree with it, but he's made manberg look and feel better than ever! he's finished the job of restoring it to its brand new glory, and now it's our job to ruin it."

"what's the point, tommy? what's the point of rebuilding this entire place from scratch?" wilbur got up, running his hand through his hair. "do you know how long and how much blood was shed to get l'manberg to the point it was at?" wilbur's voice shook. he sounded like he could start crying any second. "you know what will happen if we ever get l'manberg back again, tommy?"

no response.

"more blood would be shed." you answered for tommy. "more blood would be shed and we would be the illegitimate rulers that suddenly the dream smp hates because- 'enemy of my enemy is my friend,' yeah, but the minute we defeat our enemy, what happens next?" what would happen next? dream would go back to trying to dissolve l'manberg in any way he can. "then there's no more enemy keeping the bonds together. the only reason that dream is working with us is because of the fact that we are the enemies of his enemies! that's it! that's all! y/n can back me up." wilbur shot you a look, expecting you to agree with him.

"yep. he told me himself that he was against schlatt." informing them, you realized that you could also get a bunch of inside information from dream, like if he was ever to betray pogtopia.

"no, no. wilbur. y/n." tommy sighed again. it was starting to get on your nerves. "the reason we made l'manberg in the first place was to get away from it. away from dream. the reason we went through all the blood and through the bloodshed and the pain was because we needed l'manberg! and if there isn't l'manberg, then what's the point in staying here? we can get l'manberg back!" wilbur slowly shook his head. he was shaking. you couldn't tell if it was from frustration or if he was close to breaking down and sobbing. "why get it back when we can get rid of it? get rid of all our problems? it may be the coward thing to do, but-" you begun. wilbur stopped you like he always did when you started your villainous speeches.

"we know why you're doing this, tommy." you did? "i know. i see it in your eyes. i see it. i can hear it in your voice!" wilbur was laughing now. mood swings much? "tommyinnit, you're scared. you're scared that people are gonna think differently of you." his mood completely changed. "tommy, when i said you're never gonna be president you've gotta understand. that wasn't a challenge." wilbur slowly approached tommy and put a hand on hie shoulder, closely leaning towards him. "that's true. you're never going to be president, tommy." tommy stared blankly back at his dear brother who had dropped into madness.

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