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where were you again? you last remember being on a roof, and now you're laying on your back, on a couch, staring at the ceiling. the sound of steady, rhythmic breaths could be heard near you. shakily, you sat up straight.

dream was sitting in the couch beside you, his mask moved slightly to the side to show some of his left eye, which was closed. he was sleeping. the memories were a bit shattered, but you could faintly remember falling out of a tree. did you hit your head on the way down? probably. oh, right! you were trying to run away whilst everyone was out to rid l'manberg of it's citizens and music discs. you had broken the window's lock, and thats how you had climbed onto the roof.

the curtains were drawn over the large windows, so you couldn't see what time it was. with trembling legs, you rose and neared the window, quietly moving the curtains to the side. it was nighttime, and it was still raining, but this time it was raining hard. that explained why it was so quiet apart from the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops on the windows. it had been midday when you had made your daring escape. had dream waited you to wake the whole time you had been out? surely not. he had stuff to do.
(well, y/n, little do you know-)

if dream was out and everyone else was asleep, you could easily waltz right out of the front door and find wilbur.

you unlocked and opened, the surprisingly quiet, front door. it was cold and wet out, and was definitely not ideal. what was it with this author and making everything so hard and dramatic for y/n? you heard something, most likely someone, stirring nearby. you slowly and quietly spun around. you must have awoken dream with the sound of your footsteps and the open door. light sleeper?

"you're awake. do you feel alright? you didn't break anything?" dream adjusted his mask and started to question you. he closed the door as he approached you. "yes, no, and no." your voice had a edge to it. you were tired and had a massive headache, but you had to keep your guard up. "what were you doing? you could have died. how did you even get on the roof?" he was talking too much for your liking. "running away. i know. i climbed up." full length sentences were not your thing right now. you didn't want to be talking to him. you wanted to be talking to wilbur or tommy. anyone who wasn't a member of the dream smp, for that matter!
(we get it, youre homesick and hate it here. dont need to tell us twice.)
"do you want to go home that badly? l'manberg's gone, alright! there is no home for you to return to, because this is your home now."
(no, i have not forgotten that tommy gave dream both is discs for l'manberg. y/n doesnt know that happened, so dream has to lie about sum stuff to make it interesting. its all part of the script.😌)
dream's tone was rising. "i know! you don't need to remind me." you wanted to drop and cry at the mention of your now-destroyed home like you had been doing the past day or so. "i just want to see wilbur again. i miss him. i miss messing around with tommy and tubbo." your voice and fallen to a whisper, and your gaze was locked on the ground. dream stayed silent for a few seconds. "they're dead." your head shot up. "...what?"
"you heard me. wilbur is dead. tubbo is dead. all the citizens of l'manberg have all been killed." you stared at dream in horror as he was deadpan with his words. "no." you slowly shook your head. you were in denial. "but- but why? no.. they're not dead. they can't be. only l'manberg was supposed to be gone. they can't be dead." you stumbled back from dream, the poorly-drawn smile on his white mask being unnerving and misleading as it stared down at you. "they're dead, y/n. they refused to give up l'manberg. we had to kill them." you didn't want to believe him. he had to have been lying. neither dream, sapnap, nor george came back with a single battle mark on them. did l'manberg not even fight back, or were they too weak to be able to? "no!" you cried out, your own fingers getting dangled in your hair. "how- how could you? how dare you?! you murderer. you bastard. all they wanted was peace! freedom!" dream glowered down at you, seemingly not sorry for what he did. but, his mood seemed to change quickly. "i'm really sorry, y/n. i truly am, but it had to be done. they broke the deal." the green bitch reached out to grab your hand. great. another one of his terrible comfort sessions. you swatted him away. "no. no you're not. you're not sorry at all. sorry doesn't bring them back." you were now bawling. mourning your fallen friends.

dream felt his heart shatter as tears fell from her eyes. he didn't want to lie to y/n and make her distraught, but he had to to keep her here.

he knew he shouldn't feel sorry. he knew he shouldn't care even the tiniest bit about this imprisoned girl. so why did he? why did he feel so much empathy, so much pity for this random person he had met a couple days before war broke out? she was supposed to be the enemy, yet dream had been hesitant to fire arrows at her and let someone to swing a sword at her.

dream shoved this wondering thoughts away and averted his attention back to the sobbing girl, who had fallen to the floor, weighed down by her own despair. he wanted to help her, to comfort her, but whenever he came anywhere near or spoke to y/n she pushed him away and hated on him. dream didn't want to admit it, but it kind of hurt.

"y/n, it won't be comfy on the hard wooden flooring." she managed to choke some words out. "i don't care." dream shook his head and reached down to pick her up like he had when he had found her outside on the ground. dream had been so worried when he found her there, but he didn't know why. "put me down!" y/n demanded through sudden inhales, so thats what dream did. he placed her softly back on the couch where she had been out cold and sat beside her. "look, i'm sorry, lovely. i'll make sure you're happy here, okay?" even though he was apologizing for something he had never done, dream still felt the strong feeling of guilt clinging onto him. he watched as y/n pulled her legs up to the chest and laid her forehead on her knees. dream, who had no other ideas on how to show how sorry he was for this ruined, heartbroken y/n, slowly pulled her towards him. he recalled the seen in her room, where she and him had been on the floor beside her bed. this time, y/n couldn't complain. she was too exhausted to be able to. although dream could feel that she was still tense and shaking, she reluctantly didn't move from the gentle embrace.

he listened as her shaky breathing steadied as y/n slowly slipped into sleep.

mmmmmmMmMm i hate this and im tired but ansnjssnsjnssbshsbsh its good enough ig.

sorry for the late update.

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