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schlatt and quackity had been waiting for you and tubbo in front of the stage. they had been suspecting something, but tubbo had come up with a quick excuse, saying you and him were checking the stands to make sure they were full and that you had been searching for karl who had yet showed up.

schlatt's attention had quickly been drawn to a fight happening in the arena. it was between techno and fundy. techno had easily won and had beaten fundy without gaining a mark. when quackity started to say that he thought he needed to conduct a drug test on him, techno had quickly thrown on his netherite armour and had flown away on his trident. after that, techno had whispered to you that he had taken a strength potion before the fight.

a few more fights after that. awesamdude, or sam, who seemed to be part creeper, challenged tubbo. tubbo won the showdown and fundy was having fun narrating it. tubbo then beat quackity as well with you and techno cheering him on from the side. you didn't participate in any matches. if it was just using your fist you knew you were probably lose to anyone that challenged you.

now it was time for tubbo to give his speech. schlatt had requested for tubbo to sit in the throne behind the mic but he had refused, instead he stood. you were standing beside him and you could see his hands shaking as he started to speak.

"hello, ladies and gentlemen. i'm actually too short to reach the microphone, so it's not like schlatt.." tubbo trailed off. unlike schlatt, who's voice echoed intimidatingly, tubbo's didn't. the podium was tall and was built to suit schlatt perfectly and although you and tubbo were taller than the podium, the microphone was raised too high for your voices to echo.

"a wise man once told me that l'manberg was like a lettuce." tubbo started, gesturing towards schlatt who stood proudly beside him. "there are so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness and once you wash all the caterpillars and worms off the surface, it's a pretty good goddamn meal." you were starting to question how professional this speech was.

out of the corner of your eye you could see wilbur and tommy standing atop the building they were hiding him. you quickly looked away from them from disappointment from their hiding skills and not wanting to get caught. you swore you saw tommy aiming an arrow at schlatt..

"schlatt has successfully washed all the insects of our great nation and with that he has allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through. ladies and gentlemen, i would like you to look around at what we've built today." tubbo continued, occasionally glancing down to peek at the papers placed on the podium."look at each other." a few people did turn to look at their friends at tubbo's demand. "this is all thanks to democracy and the leadership of jschlatt." there was a pause and schlatt and quackity both started to clap and cheer suddenly, startling tubbo. he was on edge.

"and isn't that what this festival is all about? democracy? that's right. our people have been beaten down by royals and by dictators for so long and now we are finally free. free to elect who we want, free to live how we want, and most importantly, free to go wherever we want without the confines of those huge black walls." you could hear no truth behind was tubbo was saying. "with that in mind, i would like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event."

he didn't say it. he didn't say the code word. you glared, shooting a stare at tubbo who gave you a pleading look back as you started to back up, ready to flee the stage at any moment and wreak havoc across the nation.

schlatt started to laugh. you paused for a moment. something wasn't right.

you freezing for a second gave quackity enough time to lunge at you and restrain your arms behind your back, keeping you from fighting back and running. quackity shoved you back up to the front of the stage and kept you there, acting like nothing was going on.

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