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(its been a year since i posted a chapter. ive got to step up my game 🙄)

dream was deliberately walking with you being pulled behind him.

"what were you doing with techno, love?" dream asked again. "..you know him..? he was just bringing me back. i thought you and your 1000 iq could figure that out." you answered. "you looked terrified, y/n. i was worried. i thought he had hurt you."

the stage was starting to come into view. "i'm not letting you stay with schlatt. you're staying at my place." that sounded like a firm decision and not an offer. "i'm not going back. i was a fucking prisoner last time." you refused. "not as a prisoner, as a... friend. yeah, a friend. you can leave and return whenever you want or need to. i just don't want you around schlatt." dream hesitated before saying you were his friend. "as a 'friend?'" you scoffed. "what about tubbo? i can't leave him behind." dream sighed, starting to get frustrated but trying to hide it. "i'm not worried about tubbo. i'm worried about you and want to be on better terms."

your arrival was announced by tubbo, who had seen you first and was finishing up breaking down his section of the wall. a lot of progress had been made in the couple hours you were gone. the wall would be completely destroyed soon. your home had also been destroyed. tubbo was about to run to meet you but schlatt, who was supervising him, told him to stay put and greeted you instead.

"ah, y/n, hi! welcome back!" schlatt welcomed you with open arms. "and dream too, i guess." he didn't seem as enthusiastic about dreams appearance as he did about yours. schlatt went to go put an arm around your neck like he usually did but dream stepped in his way, basically acting as your shield. you would never admit it, but you were thankful for dream this one time. you leaned to the side to peek around him. "i'm sorry, mr. president. i found them but they got away. i got a few hits on them, but i lost them in a forest. i'm sorry. i've failed you." you sounded as convincing as you could as you tilted your head down to the ground in "shame." you felt schlatt's cold glare on you before it was forced away. "that's.. okay, i guess. do better next time. come help with the wall. we've almost finished destroying it. it was nice seeing you, dream." schlatt dismissed dream, who didn't move. his grip on your hand became tighter.

"on our way here y/n told me she was tired and injured from.. doing whatever she was doing. if you can allow it, i'm bringing her back home so that she can rest." that was a terrible lie. "i never-" schlatt interrupted you before you could say anything else. "of course, dream. gotta make sure my y/ns in top condition." schlatt had allowed it, but not after eyeing you suspiciously. they were talking about you like you weren't even there. "don't talk about her like she's an object. and she's not 'your y/n.' c'mon, let's go."
dream was already starting to usher you away.

"dream, i can find somewhere else to stay. i didn't have the best of time with you last time." you said after covering your mouth to let out a small yawn. "i want to be on better terms with you. and i miss you." dream said again. "but you lied to me. a lot. you also set schlatt up for success in this election." you pointed out, stopping at dream's front door and refusing to go any further. "i'll make it right, okay? promise. i won't do that again, that was a bitch move of me." 

you were weighing out your options. dream's place would offer protection. you had planned to set up something with tubbo in the van when you saw your home was gone, so you would be much more comfortable here and away from schlatt. but, tubbo would be left there at night, plus you knew he would be worrying since you were with dream. but dream is.. dream. he had been terrible to you. "fine. i'll stay with you, but you can't stop me whenever i want to leave and don't be a fuckin' bitch." a bright smile formed on dream's face when you spoke.

"sap and george are sleeping right now. be quiet or else they'll hate you forever." dream advised as he closed the door after holding it open for you. "what were you doing awake then?" you asked, ready to run and collapse on the couch and fall into a deep sleep. "nothing. just couldn't sleep." was he avoiding the question? "you still have your room upstairs." dream reminded you. "right. night." you said, already halfway up the stairs.
"goodnight, y/n. lo- sleep well."


techno finished tying up his horse. well, he had actually stolen it from tommy who had stolen it from someone else the blood god didn't care about.

"the railings would've been a good idea right now." he muttered under his breath.

"techno! that took you a little while. how's y/n? did you get her to tubbo?" wilbur was still awake when techno got to the bottom of the ravine but was speaking in a hushed voice. he pointed at tommy, who was sleeping in a makeshift bed he had made out of a few planks of wood and some blankets. "she's.. alright. will, dream stopped us before i could even get close to tubbo. y/n had to go with him." techno told wilbur, who's face dropped. "dream took her? again? oh..that fucking bastard. we've been trying so hard to keep her away from fucking dream." wilbur sighed.  "again?" the brunette nodded. "i followed them by foot so they didn't hear me. dream took her to schlatt and said that he was taking her back to his place. schlatt allowed it." techno explained.

"wilbur?" tommy called aimlessly, sleepily sitting up. "sorry, tommy." wilbur apologized to the half asleep teen, feeling guilty he had woken tommy up. "techno was just telling me something important. you can go back to sleep." tommy shook his head, eyes still closed. "what is it?" techno wasn't one to sugarcoat. "dream got y/n." he said bluntly, placing down a bed he had quickly made and sitting on the edge of it.
"oh. okay.. what?! that bitch. i will go get get her right now. she can't be around that egotistical green-"
"tommy, you need your sleep. it's been a long day. we will discuss this in the morning."
wilbur told tommy again, who was ready to spring up and run out the door. "but wilbur..! fine! goodnight, i guess."

1155 words
new year and i already want to pass away 🥰

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