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"lets talk territories. who's allowed in them, who's not." karl jacobs, the man you hadn't known before, proposed the first debate topic.

"karl, karl, l'manberg had a long history of discrimination not from l'manberg." quackity chose to begin. "i, myself, am not able to enter l'manberg because of the policies these people have put into their property. and i don't agree with that." you glanced at tommy, who opened his mouth like he was going to say something and interrupt. "i'm going to let everyone into l'manberg because it's a beautiful country and it deserves to be seen by everyone in the dream smp❗️" cheers were heard from karl as quackity spoke. "wilbur, what about you❓" the courtroom went silent as everyone turned to wilbur, who was listening carefully with is hands up to his mouth in a triangle shape. (YALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT THE 🙏 BUT LIKE OVER YOUR MOUTH)

"for years, may i say decades," tone it down with the exaggerating, wil. "the dream smp has ostracized my group of people, my brethren and sistren (google says its a word) stood behind me." wilbur gestured behind him to you, tommy, tubbo, and jack. "l'manberg is not a place of oppression, it is a place of sanctuary for our people❗️ what you are intending to do is come into our land and open it up to the people. the very people we seek to escape, may i add, because we've created a better life for ourselves." he paused to take a breath. "this in itself is tyranny and i will not stand for it." wilbur finished. "i agree. i don't know what that word means." you could hear tommy whisper the last part to wilbur as you as well nodded in agreement, now sitting with one leg draped over the other.


the debate had carried on with a few... interesting topics. the death penalty and universal healthcare to name a few. you had tried to act like you hadn't seen dream's men staring at you and whispering, but they had been hard to ignore. tubbo had noticed it too and leaned over to tell tommy, who passed it on to wilbur.

wilbur and quackity were now throwing insults and arguments at each other and tubbo had taken his place at the front of the room and was telling karl to be careful of the large hole in the floor in the centre of the room. why was there a hole in the floor❓

"hey, hey❗️ are you done with your pissing contest❓ are you- are you-" tubbo couldn't finish because he was interrupted by the laughing and yelling echoing around the courtroom.

"quackity, it was a pleasure debating with you for our first debate." wilbur stood up, ready to leave and return to l'manberg. "let's- let's shake hands." quackity met with wilbur in the middle and theu shook hands, quackity nearly hitting him. quackity asked for a moment to speak with his running mate, george, and pulled him aside. wilbur did the same with tommy and dragged him into the room they had been in before.

this was going to be a long day.


"tommy, tommy, tommy. say 'shush gogy.' tommy, say 'shush gogy.'" wilbur told tommy as george was rambling about tommy's want for war. tommy started saying what wilbur told him to say. george left his podium and stood before tommy. "you aren't being baby right now, bitch." tommy was taller than george and seemed more intimidating. he almost squared up to gogy 🤼‍♀️ "woah, woah, woah❗️ hey❗️ " quackity stepped in before anything violent could happen. tubbo did too. "shush gogy. shush gogy." tommy repeated himself over and over again.

they started fighting about tommy paying a large amount of money to someone and that's when wilbur requested a small recess. "tommy, stop trying to fight george in the middle of a debate❗️ you're in a goddamn election, for fuck's sake." you said to tommy as quackity and his supporters gathered in a separate group. "tommy. what have you done, tommy⁉️"wilbur sighed. "listen, he wouldn't let me talk, wilbur❗️" tommy defended himself from wilbur's disappointment. "tommy, you bribed someone❗️ you're jeopardizing this whole election." wilbur said, frustrated.
"will you engage in bribery again❓"
"are you gonna fuck up gogy❓"
"yes, yes. then let's get back in there."
wilbur gave tommy a questionable pep talk. "go fuck up that colourblind bitch❗️" you encouraged as you returned to your seat.


"god, what is it with people almost killing themselves in my courthouse❓" tubbo asked as you were all balancing on the path that led to the ground. people had nearly fallen through the hole in the floor many times. "tubbo, maybe, and this is just a suggestion, a personal opinion, you should fix that hole." you added. "tommy, i see the sign you made." you couldn't tell what wilbur's opinion of the huge "POG2020" sign in the sky was. "yeah, isn't it great❓" tommy asked, proud if his creation. wilbur was hesitant to answer as you jumped and landed on the grassy ground. "...sure."

"y/n, had you seen how george and sapnap had been looking at you❓" tubbo finally brought it up. the sky disappeared from above you and you continued on the path that went through the hill towards l'manberg. "yeah. i saw that you saw it too." you groaned. "dream was nowhere to be seen❗️ he's usually always with gogy and sap." tommy added. "we need to keep you away from them, y/n." "please❗️" you begged wilbur. "i will do anything to not be trapped with them again❗️"

fundy was already at l'manberg by the time the rest of you got there. wilbur had left him with quackity, clearly disappointed in his son. "what the fuck are you doing here❓" tommy asked once fundy opened the l'manberg gates for everyone. "uh, to sleep❓" was fundy acting stupid on purpose❓ "we thought you would've run off with quackity, since you suddenly love him so much." wilbur hissed. "do you not want me here because of someone i support❓ i can leave to any time i want to. quackity will probably have somewhere for me to stay." fundy retorted. wilbur was silent before answering. "leave whenever you want. it's about time you moved out, fox." wilbur's disappointment had changed to anger as he stormed away, probably to the van or his home. everyone else also departed in silence, leaving fundy alone by the gate to close it.

at the moment, you had one thought. where was schlatt❓ he hadn't been seen all day. he's also in this election, why wasn't he at the debate❓ it had happened to suddenly, but where had he run off to❓ probably to dream.

she didn't leave me, right❓ y/n wouldn't do that. not to me. those bastards took her by force. she didn't say that to me. she trusts me. i need to save her.

when you disappear and then suddenly return from the dead 😜 🤙

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