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(cant explain it but /rp george gives off an energy and the energy if telling me that he cant swim. hes had a near death experience with water AT LEAST once)

schlatt had been keeping you occupied the last few days, slowly eroding down your already low sanity and not giving you any time to speak to wilbur. making you fix the van, get him drinks and keel him company, tear down and then rebuild random structures. anything that would waste your time, along with the terrible yelling and unneeded, violent threats and actions. you had barely eaten. you knew you needed to soon, but you didn't have the motivation to. 

when tubbo had woken up to find you sitting unmoving in the van a few days ago, he had been worried.

tubbo waved his hand in front of your face to catch your attention.

"y/n? you okay?" he asked, still half asleep. you had been sitting in solitude and silence, completely zoned out. you hadn't been aware of him getting up.

"i'm 'okay' enough." you came off harsher than you wanted to, but didn't care to apologize.

"what happened to you? you need some ice."

"i said i'm okay, tubbo."

"but those bruises look like they hurt! what happened?"

"i'm said i'm okay! i'll live!"

you didn't mean to snap and be rude, but it had seemed you had no control over your words. cruelty rolled naturally off your tongue. since then, you've been colder to everyone, including dream who  seemed to not mind and still stuck by your side like glue, watching over you protectively and helping you with anything that you needed despite schlatt telling him not to.

when dream had seen you with bruises scattering your skin, you had to come up with a lie to stop him from going insane and lashing out at schlatt, probably even killing him in the process. you had told him that you and tubbo had an incident while you were adding an extra room onto schlatt's white house. you think dream bought it, but he probably didn't.

dream had insisted that he give you all his attention, and ice packs, but you had said no 🤚. he was being clingy and over protective.

you barely should any emotion when you wandered around aimlessly while you were waiting for schlatt to give you your next useless task. after all, he was "the only one you could rely on." that was what he had told you once. its like he was trying to keep you busy, trying to stop you from going anywhere and having any freedom. 

now schlatt was standing on his podium, giving an unexpected speech, you, tubbo, and quackity standing with him.

"well, looks like y/n did a great job fixing the podium after some bastard burnt it down." his glare was fixated on eret below, who wasn't faced. niki on the other hand, who was sitting beside eret, was. she refused to look back up at him. "just in time for the manberg festival." that news caught everyone's attention and made them listen intently, including you and everyone else on the stage. it looked like schlatt hadn't brought up this 'manberg festival' to anyone.

"there was never a festival in l'manberg." tubbo piped up. "well there is now." schlatt smirked. something didn't feel right to you. another thing to add one was you felt and extra pair of eyes on you, making you cautiously scan your surroundings.

tommy and wilbur were hiding on top of the tower near the stage, watching and listening with interest.

"all right! so speak about this.. uh.. this.." just give him a moment. "what're we talking about?" quackity gave up and nearly immediately lost his train of thought. "the manberg festival." schlatt reminded him, almost sounding annoyed. "unlike that tommyinnit kid, today i woke up on the right side of the bed! today i woke up and i was like, "y'know what? today i'm gonna do something that people will remember." he glanced at tubbo, making you a bit uneasy.

"and something that people will appreciate! a festival. that's what i'm here to announce because.. uh.. yeah! festival!"

very professional.

"we're gonna throw a party! it's gonna be a celebration of democracy. the very democracy that put me power, that evicted them- the dictator that was here before me! the democracy that let manberg live up to its fullest potential."

silence. everybody was waiting for schlatt to finish up before applauding.

"i reckon it's time to celebrate. and, y'know, i reckon we get everybody down from all corners of the server, except for those two that will not be named, and we share in the festivities and we enjoy manberg's independence. like, oh my god, look at that flag." schlatt gestured towards the nearly made manberg flag that fundy had designed. it was completely black except for a red curve and X. you hated it. "maybe we'll have some fun mini games around the flag so that people will be able to see it!" schlatt said.

quackity leaned over to schlatt and whispered something to him. "drinking games? you know that tubbo is like.." schlatt starter counting on his fingers like the idiot he was before announcing, "we'll make an exception!" quackity cheered, very excited for the upcoming festivities. everyone guessed that schlatt was done because he started encouraging an applause to which everyone answered, eret and niki being the only ones not clapping while fundy was being the most enthusiastic, which you will admit pained you a little bit.

schlatt started talking about how he wanted to invite everyone, besides tommy and wilbur, but you were distracted by wilbur throwing you random hand gestures that you didn't understand. sign language? signals? gang signs? you couldn't tell. the things that caught your attention was schlatt saying that techno was invited and that tubbo was giving a speech.

"i really want to drive home the idea that this celebration will be about manberg. a celebration about democracy, of law, and of the new era of peace that has been brought forth by my administration. maybe in a week's time. a week's time? i think that's long enough to get everything decorated and prepared?" fundy and tubbo agreed with schlatt loudly. "one last round of applause for manberg!" nearly everyone complied.

wait, tubbo was giving a speech? he can barely read. and techno's invited?


wilbur had been gesturing you to travel with them to pogtopia after schlatt's announcement. you had missed it, but apparently tommy had been aiming to shoot schlatt in the head with an arrow. in your opinion he should have.

"killing schlatt wouldn't do anything. killing schlatt wouldn't fix a single thing. that would not fix a single issue because then quackity would just become president and who knows if that would be worse." wilbur said. "and then george would be vice president. then we kill quackity and george would be president and.." he trailed off. "it wouldn't have mattered if you killed him or not." tommy didn't say anything, finding good reasoning in what wilbur said. "tommy i have a question for you. because this festival is a good idea." wilbur admitted, his trench coat nearly getting caught on a bush if you hadn't been there to save it.

"tommy, this doesn't seem like a bad- this doesn't seem evil!"

"..yeah, wilbur."

"it seems like a nice friendly thing schlatts doing."

as if on cue, everyone stopped moving. "are we the bad guys?" you asked, barely a whisper.

"tommy, are we the bad guys?"

1265 words

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