Chapter 94 - Green Pill

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I know it has been a long time. I was really busy with life XD But here you go. I'll keep updating as fast as possible but please understand I have other priorities. Thank you for the wait!


Can already has red cheeks from drinking alcohol, but Tin's suggestion made his face even redder and hotter.

"What are you saying? There are people around us!" Can looked around if people heard Tin's embarrassing and vulgar phrase. Thankfully, everyone chatted continuously to one another as if they did not hear what Tin mentioned. Of course, they heard what Tin said. Most of the people here were very powerful individuals. Whispers, even the sound of a fly could be heard clearly as if someone was speaking on a microphone. When they heard what Tin wanted, everyone became a little embarrassed. Some coughed and ignored it. Some chuckled while hiding their faces.

Can, who was slightly drunk, seemed to forget this fact. Seeing that everyone did not look like they heard their conversation, Can turned to Tin.

Before he could scold his future husband, Tin only smirked. "So?"

He was unbothered if people heard him. To him, this was a good opportunity for his visitors to leave early.

From under their table that was covered with white table cloth, Tin slowly pressed his right hand on Can's thigh, which made Can jolt.

Tin leaned closer to Can, "You didn't answer my question."

He then asked once again, "Would you like-"

Can acted quickly and covered Tin's mouth.

"I heard! I heard!" He whispered grumbly.

After a few seconds of silence between the two, Can removed his hand from Tin's mouth. He then thought about his question about having a baby. Even if they do have the ability to have children, Can was wondering whether he was ready or not.

Tin smiled and patted Can's head. "I'm not rushing you. I was just teasing you and also informing you that it's possible for both males to have children."

Can looked at him silently.

"If you don't want children, that's fine too. As long as I have you by my side," Tin continued.

When Tin realized that their glasses of wine were already finished, he stood up and took them. "Would you like some more?"

"Yes, um-"

"Alright," Tin nodded as he walked away while holding two wine glasses.

Can was stunned. He wanted to say something but Tin already left. Somehow, there was a trace of sadness within Tin. Can wondered what it was. Did he actually want to have children?

"Can, what's the matter?" Mrs. Rathavit softly said as he patted his shoulder.

"Mom?" Can answered as he shook his head. "N-nothing."

"Hmm." Mrs. Rathavit nodded. She turned her head and found that Tin was held up by visitors.

She decided to sit down next to her son. "I know if something's bothering you, Can."

"Huh?" Can was surprised. "How do you know? Does it show on my face?"

"This is how I know," Mrs. Rathavit as she pointed at Can's forehead, "You could be easily tricked."

"Ohh," Can slightly laughed afterward.

Mrs. Rathavit patted her son's head as she drank her expensive wine. "So, what's bothering my son?"

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now