Chapter 63 - Phoenix Garden Massacre

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(**Before you read this chapter, you might want to refresh your memories by reading Chapters 28 and 29. **)

It was a peaceful morning at Phoenix Garden. The sun was shining brightly as it provided warm sunlight and delight to everyone. As the wind blows softly, the plants slightly bent willingly while giving those who work at the garden a refreshing and cooling breeze. The pleasing sound of the flowing yet undisturbed clear water of the nearby stream gave them ease of mind as they continued to work. It could be considered as a perfect day for everyone, although it has been like this since the beginning.

As the contracted beasts' workers of Old Master Khang were chatting and laughing as they tended to their master's crops, the guardians that were in charge of protecting the garden were leisurely patrolling the area as if they were just walking to a park. The atmosphere was harmonious.

"Dokebi, could ya get me more of the Yggdrasil seeds from the seed storage room?" one of the elder beast workers in the form of a brown goblin asked.

"Dokebi, could ya get me more of the Yggdrasil seeds from the seed storage room?" one of the elder beast workers in the form of a brown goblin asked

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(A/N: The elder goblin. From Ragnarok Online.)

(A/N: Yggdrasil Seed from Ragnarok Online

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(A/N: Yggdrasil Seed from Ragnarok Online.)

Tilting his head in confusion, Dokebi asked, "Do-ke-bi?" ("Again?")

The elder beast goblin scratched his head, "What can I do? Our master insisted on planting more of them. Just get them for me will ya, kid?"

Dokebi quickly nodded and ran towards the storage room that was a little far away for him to reach. He was quite small, so his steps were too small.

Meanwhile, the elder beast goblin turned around and continued to plant more of the beautiful round green Yggdrasil seeds. Half of the garden was already filled with these plants. Although the elder goblin was unsure what was the purpose of Yggdrasil plants, he knew that these were related to his master's disciple. It has been almost two years since he last saw that disciple. With his master's sudden change of behavior, he knew something unfortunate must have happened to the disciple. The old master had somehow become a more of a serious person rather than his usual goofy and crazy attitude. The elder goblin thought that the disciple must have died.

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