Chapter 79 - A Debt That Must Be Repaid

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Being quarantined gives you time to do things.


"Pannin? What are you doing here?" Can was bewildered. He would never expect to see Pannin in this place. The last time he saw her was back in the Beast God Dimension.

(A/N: Refer to Ch. 43 Ae vs. Can)

Running towards Can's group while blasting her enemies away with her contracted beasts, she shouted, "I'm here to help obviously stup...!"

Before she could finish her insult, she immediately shut her mouth when she suddenly turned her gaze to the person next to Can. There was a sudden shiver due to fear as she witnessed the murderous stare of Tin towards her. Still, she did not stop rushing towards them.

"I know how to find the Spirit Beasts container," she continued.

"Ohh," Can replied with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Since none of them had an idea where to find this particular container, it might take them a long time to find it. It was great that Pannin came to help them out.

As Pannin reached them, she bounced back and fell to the ground. Tin, who was controlling the defensive barrier that they were in, did not let her pass.

"How could you just trust her?" Tin could clearly remember the atrocities that the woman did during the Beast Summoner Guild Ranking Competition. Just thinking about the horrible things that she did to Can at that time further reignited his hatred towards her. He has not paid her back personally yet, so this could be a good time to do so. Killing her would only require one breath from him.

(A/N: Refer to Chapter 18: A Losing Battle.)

Can was quite unsure about Tin's sudden aggression towards Pannin. Unlike him, Can seemed to have forgotten about the gruesome competition between the two. In any case, beating someone up was inevitable and part of the competition.

Seeing the distrust on Tin's face, Can had to explain the situation. As he was about to explain to Tin that Pannin was not an enemy, he was interrupted by her.

"I have a debt that must be repaid. A life for a life," Pannin answered with seriousness in her tone as she locked eye contact with Tin.

There was silence for a moment as sweat on the forehead of the female beast summoner formed. Then with a smirk on his face, Tin replied, "Very well then."

An air of relief came to the members of Can's group who felt the tension calmed down.

Creating a small opening of the barrier for a person to fit, Pannin was able to enter.

When she met the gaze of the others, she only nodded to acknowledge them. There was no time to waste.

"Let me heal you," Pete said as he approached Pannin. Although he did not have a good impression of her, it was still his duty to help those in need. In addition, since Can seemed to trust her, then there was no reason not to help out.


A soothing green light covered Pete's hands and put them close to Pannin's left shoulder. Gradually, the small wounds on her body recovered.

While being healed by Pete, Ae asked, "Where can we find this Spirit Beast container?"

Before she answered Ae, she turned to Pete.

"Thank you," Pannin said.

"No problem," Pete smiled as he stood back next to Ae to support him.

"That Spirit Beast container is actually a huge black obelisk," Pannin continued.

"That Spirit Beast container is actually a huge black obelisk," Pannin continued

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