Chapter 11 - Bonding

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More than a week has passed and the annual Beast Summoner Guild Ranking Competition is within three days. 

There was a lot of development between the relationship of E.A and B.S.G this past week. After Tin's father was overthrown, which was kept a secret to the public, the new administration has reached an agreement and decided to fix its strained relationship with the other major faction. Since Tin has still not met the requirements to lead E.A. and his future position was still being scrutinized, he was excluded from taking part in the decision-making of the new administration which consists of the elders.

Now that the new administration was sincerely committed to continuous peace with B.S.G, the elders have tasked Tin to connect more to the people of the other major faction in L.B.C campus.  By allowing Tin who is the image of E.A. interact more with B.S.G students, the rumor about the peace treaty being called off and the tension between the two factions could gradually go away. Tin could only agree with the new administration's wishes since his hands were tied. He does not have any powerful allies on his side so if he defies the elders, his position as the future heir would be jeopardized and he might be put to prison with his father. Right now, he could only earn their trust and do whatever they want. 

After the incident with his father's imprisonment, Tin became more reluctant. That day where his father seemed to finally lose his mind caused Tin to question his own actions.

He realized that he lived most of his life where his world only revolved on his father's orders. He would obey his wishes and he would never question him since he thought that it was the right thing to do. There were only the two of them who were left in the family so he thought that they had to protect one another, but it seemed that it was not the case with his father. He mostly cared about avenging mother and nothing else. This gradually caused him to be consumed by hatred where he was unable to get out. How can Tin not see this? He thought that he should have done something for his father, so this unfortunate situation would not happen. He felt useless. It was similar to when he was unable to do something to take his mother back. Now, Tin was determined to find the truth and solve the case that plagued him and his family. He decided that he would investigate the incident regarding his mother's disappearance and not avoid it anymore.

"Tin, let's go and join Ae for lunch," Pete said with a smile as he tapped Tin's shoulder.

Tin nodded as he picked up his notebook from the table and put it back in his small leather briefcase. He then stood up and followed the boy who was already being hugged by that trashy Ae next to the door.

Last week, the heir of B.S.G finally showed up from seclusion after finally contracting the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins Beasts. The first thing that he did after seclusion was to contact Pete. When the two talked, Ae realized that there was a lot of things that he missed after his almost two weeks of disappearance. Knowing how overwhelming and devastating it must have been for Pete, Ae immediately went to his side to comfort him and apologized for not being with him. Pete understood Ae's situation and he knew it must also have been hard for him too. Can already mentioned to Pete the situation regarding Ae when they met a few days before Ae's reappearance. Even though he was still in grief due to the death of his friend, Pete was much calmer after Ae showed up. 

Since Tin was tasked to act more friendly towards B.S.G students as part of the propaganda and pursuit for peace between the two groups, he decided to tag along with Pete and Ae.  Although he was still a little repulsed with B.S.G due to his father's remaining influence on him, he couldn't ignore the elders' orders. 

Because he didn't want to interact with just random beast summoners on campus, he chose to go with Ae since Pete seemed to trust him a lot. Besides, this was also a good move since if the students see the two future heirs of the two major factions being together, it will have a great positive perception on the relationship between the two groups. He would be able to achieve his goal without interacting with a lot of people. Both Pete and Ae wanted peace and knowing what happened with the recent changes in E.A.'s leadership, they could only agree with Tin even though Ae was still skeptical about him. Pete was optimistic since this  can be a great opportunity for his childhood friend to know more about the person he loved and hopefully they could become good friends in the near future.

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