Chapter 116 - The Gift and the Curse

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What was happening? How could Can be so careless? To even risk his husband's life?

With how fast he Can could act, she was sure that his magic spell would hit her. It was simply not logical!

Looking at Can with fear in her eyes, she saw that Can was just standing in front of her. He was not moving and rather unbothered as he stared at her with a poker face.

A thought came to her. Was it possible that Tin that she was holding was a clone? A fake?

Her lips suddenly quivered. Now it made much more sense. Can had control the entire time since the beginning! Did that mean she never had a chance to begin with!?

Thinking about her choices, she wanted to regret but it was too late.

Yet, why would Can do this? Why wait this long to act? He could have finished this in the beginning. What was he planning?

It did not matter anymore!

What could she possibly do in the position that she was in? Could she try to escape?

With that in mind, she was quick to act, grabbing the fake Tin, she threw him towards Can. As soon as she threw him towards Can with such ferocious force that a wave of strong wind followed, she took a red wooden talisman and broke it and half. It was a teleportation tool. A one of a kind. Its grade level would be considered as a Legendary grade. Even a Supreme Ruler should not be able to stop it once used, at least in theory. It was her family's sacred treasure that was passed down to her.

When the talisman was broken, a red gelatinous liquid came out and covered Dr. Christy in a bubble immediately. It worked!

With a crazed smile, she looked at Can who was holding Tin with his arm. She could not decipher Can's expression since he was looking down observing Tin.

In any case, she felt triumphant. Although she failed at containing the two, her survival was rather more important. In the end, she was still the winner!

When she was completely covered by the gelatinous material, it would then expand then disappear. This all happened within less than a second.

As for Can, well, there was a wicked smile on his face as well.

A few moments have passed. In front of Can, a red gelatinous material was slowly materializing into existence.

Can raised his hand as if he was strangling someone and when the red gelatinous completely materialized, it then turned into a human figure. It was Dr. Christy. Fear and surprise were clearly expressed in her face.

"H-how is th-i pos-ble," she said as she struggled to breathe. She tried to remove the hand that was holding her throat, but she failed.

"No.. No.. No... this can't be."

"It's quite fascinating that you have such a tool," Can said as he chuckled slightly.

"Being able to teleport and manipulate the dimension... Unfortunately, you're not the only one capable of doing it," Can paused for a bit as he moved Dr. Christy closer to his face.

"Remember, I'm the Supreme Ruler. The only one for that matter, if we're being honest," Can said as he side-eyed at the still unconscious and bleeding Tin.

Somehow, with those terrifying words, something clicked with Dr. Christy that she could not explain.

"Who are you?" she asked as her eyes widened.

Can only frowned. "You hit your head Dr. Christy?"

"You're not him!" she said while struggling.

"Enough," he calmly said.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now