Chapter 55 - War on Emperium

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The speaker did not even have to tell the audience what the item was called. The <Emperium> was not a secret to anyone attending this event. Everyone knew what it was and its superb capability.

"It seemed that everyone is well informed about our last item. Very well then," the speaker looked at the other side of the stage where the owner of this item was waiting. Everyone looked at the direction where the speaker faced.

Soon, an elderly man with black long hair wearing a black suit walked towards the middle of the stage with his wife next to her who was wearing an exquisite beautiful purple dress while adorned with lovely pieces of jewelry.

"It's Mr. and Mrs. WangXian. The organizers of the event itself," one of the male audience members said as he admired the elderly couple.

(A/N: You guys know where WangXian came from? Hint: GDC)

One of the female audience members said with a trace of happiness, "They're so lovely! Ahh, I'm truly envious of them!"

The elderly couple was popular not only because of their long-lasting wonderful marriage but also due to their influence and power all over the world. As the owner of the most famous auction house in the world, these two were obviously not from a normal background.

Mrs. WangXian is a Rainbow Grade Tier 5 Alchemist. She could be considered as the current top alchemist in the world. Her specialty as an alchemist is to create miraculous pills such as pills that could allow a person to level up quicker, control powers, recreate a part of an organ, etc. Since she is considered the best alchemist, her services are naturally very expensive.

Mr. WangXian, on the other hand, is a Rainbow Grade Tier 5 Craftsman. Just like his wife, Mr. WangXian could be considered as the current top craftsman in the world. His specialty is creating powerful pieces of equipment that could shake the balance of the world. As the top craftsman, his services are also quite expensive.

Most of the items that were auctioned today were created by the old couple. Due to their status, everyone would not dare offend them. Even Can and Pond would not dare offend such people. It would be unwise to become their enemies.

"I'd let the esteemed owner of this auction house and also this item to explain his demands for the exchange," the speaker said as he bowed to Mr. and Mrs. WangXian.

After giving the microphone to Mr. WangXian, the speaker promptly left the stage.

Everyone became silent as they listened to Mr. WangXian talk.

"As you may know, this Legendary magic tool <Emperium> is one of a kind treasure that I painstakingly collected during one of my expeditions during my youthful days. This magic tool would allow a person to help create a stable portal to another dimension. Of course, such an important magic tool that I'm going to exchange naturally needs to meet an item that has an equivalent value. If you have an item that you think is worthy to be exchanged, then I'll be the judge of it. Let's begin."

Concise and straight to the point, that was Mr. WangXian's way of dealing with his business. The audience could not help but admire him more. So cool!

Immediately, one by one, the representatives of the elite families started showing their prized possessions that were of Legendary rarities in exchange for the <Emperium>, but they were easily rejected by Mr. WangXian.

No matter how amazing the items that were presented by the audience, Mr. WangXian was not at all impressed. In the end, he felt that there was no interesting worthy item to be exchanged with the <Emperium>.

"I would like to exchange the <Emblem of the Sun God> with the esteemed Mr. WangXian's <Emperium>."

Hearing about the <Emblem of the Sun God>, everyone including the old couple became piqued with interest all of a sudden as they looked at the owner of the voice from one of the V.I.P seats. Although the person was wearing a disguise, Mr. WangXian knew who it was.

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