Chapter 130 - Choosing a Vessel

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"Can... your spiritual core is damaged severely," Pete said as he withdrew his spiritual energy from Can's body.

The spiritual core is the foundation of one's power and status in society. In this world, it meant being accepted or scorned by society. It is what determines the strongest and the weak, who succeeds and who fails.

There was a tinge of dread and worry within Can. He knew that he overdid it, but what was he supposed to do?

Let these beast gods take his children from him?

He was willing to sacrifice his life for them and it didn't matter what would happen to him as long as their safe.

Can looked down at the still unconscious beast god.

Marco was surrounded by Master Khang and Tin's father, Tri.

Can's family was not safe. Not at all.

Maririn did mention that they needed to take both of the twins back to their dimension. She was able to take Kit but left her brother and Kat in this dimension. She would likely be back. He knew she would be back for them.

Would she bring reinforcements? How many would there be? Just how strong are they? What are they going to do with Kit? Is he still alive?

That scared Can. It scared him further that he might not be able to get Kit back, especially now that his spiritual core was damaged.

Can stood up wobbling towards the unconscious beast god. Tin assisted him by grabbing him by the side and holding one of his hands for support.

"Can how are you feel-"

"That's one of the beast gods who took my Kit," Can said as he interrupted Tin when he pointed at Marco.

Everyone gave each other a look.

Ley and Can's mother rushed to his side to check up on him, but Can wanted to reassure or at least fake them that he was okay, but he was not at all. He was not okay at all.

"I'm so sorry for what happened," Can's mother said as he hugged with tears falling. Ley did not say anything and hugged him as well.

Although there was physical warmth to their comfort, Can felt quite empty. He did not need comfort. He wanted his child back.

"Indeed, the report is true. It's a beast god's doing," Master Khang began contemplating as he brushed his white beard with his fingers.

An actual beast god. The beast gods were the ones who introduced magic to humans and how to use the spiritual cores. Before they found Pond, the existence of beast gods was considered a myth. With that myth debunked, everyone just thought that Pond was the only last one of his kind. To see another one unconscious on the ground and that there were other beast gods, well, that changed everything.

There was a sense of awe, fear, confusion, and anger among the current people in the dimension.

Still, everyone felt that a much more dangerous path was ahead of them.

"What did they want from your children exactly, Can?" Master Khang continued. On a more interesting note, How did Can even manage to defeat a god?

"His other twin... Maririn's her name. She said that they wanted to take their land back," Can replied.

"Land? Do they mean this land? The Beast Gods' Dimension?" Master Khang frowned.

According to Can's story, the first supreme ruler who was a beast summoner said that there was an unknown event that led the beast gods to leave the Beast Gods' Dimension. The first supreme ruler himself didn't know the reason.

And now, out of nowhere, these beast gods came back and attacked Can to take their children.

It must have something to do with that time when the beast gods suddenly left the beast gods' dimension. Something awful must have happened for them to all leave. What was the reason?

Now, many questions were flying around them. Who are these beast gods who attacked? What's their true purpose? Where are they located?

Are they to chase such powerful beast gods? To even dare fight a beast god? If Can could barely hold a fight against one...

"You managed to hold against two beast gods by yourself?" Master Khang looked at Can from top to bottom. If he was not wrong, a beast god could be compared to a Supreme Ruler perhaps even surpassing one. For Can to fight both?

Can shook his head, closing his eyes. He was helpless against one. He used his full force and the resources of the Beast Gods Dimension, he could only manage to prolong the fight and defend the entire time against one.

"No, I got help from the black mist," Can said as he proceeded to tell them what occurred in the dimension.

"Hmm...a vessel," Tri said looking at Marco who was bound by a rope made of unknown material.

"What does that entail? There must be some kind of catch?" Tri asked.

"The origin of this black mist, we have no idea. We don't know what we're dealing with," Can's mom said.

"It managed to take one beast god and present him to you in good faith, we should certainly entertain the proposal of this black mist," Master Khang said as the buzzing of discussions as to what to do next occurred.

As the discussion became heated, Tin leaned down to Can and whispered "I'll be its vessel."


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