Chapter 8 - Truth

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"Young master Pete! Young master Pete!" The discussion between Tin and Pete was interrupted as the driver shouted for his young master's name. 

The two childhood friends curiously looked at the driver's direction as they anticipated the message that he was going to deliver.

"What's the matter, Uncle You?" Pete asked.

The driver who was a bit restless as he hurriedly approached his young master uttered "Your parents want to see you in the main house. I believe it has something to do with the missing son of the head family." 

"What did my parents say!? Did they find him!?" Pete asked impatiently as he held the wrinkly hands of his old driver with a smile on his face.

"They didn't say anything, young master." The old driver looked down while his lips trembled as he avoided his young master's anticipating gaze. He knew very well what happened to his missing friend, but he could not somehow reveal the truth to the child. Having served Pete's family for two generations and treating each member as his own, the old driver knew how devastating and heartbreaking it would be for Pete when he learned the truth. He did not want to see that smile on his young master's face to disappear.

Tin, who saw the driver's concealed reaction, learned the truth immediately. 

"Go, Pete. I'll take care of Can." Tin said as he gave his friend a reassuring nod.

"Ok! Before I leave, make sure to give him his phone." Pete rushed towards the black table where Can laid before.

While the young master was not looking, the old driver composed himself as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Thank you, young master Tin," the old driver said. 

Tin ignored the old driver's words as he waited for Pete's return.

Even though Tin might have a cold personality, the old driver, who have interacted with different kinds of people during his lifetime, believed that he still has kindness within him when it comes to people whom he cared about. He witnessed that kindness today towards Pete and his friend.  

"Here you go." Pete handed the phone to Tin with a smile that was followed with anxious anticipation as he rubbed his hands together and made short quick breaths. The latter put the phone in one of the pockets of his borrowed black jeans.

Seeing Pete with such expression on his face, Tin felt uncomfortable since he knew that his childhood friend would be met with false hope and ugly reality. How would he react or comfort him after knowing the truth?

"Let's go, Uncle You." Pete walked hurriedly towards the door. The old driver, who was composed but still has uneasiness inside of him, followed his young master.

"I'll come back to check on you, Can, and Gucci," Pete continued before he closed the door and left with his driver.

As the sound of the car engine running and wheels turning slowly faded away, Tin has decided that he would continue to protect Pete from anyone who would hurt him. Immediately, the thought of Ae caught the concerned youngster's mind. Knowing the worsening relationship between the E.A and B.S.G,  if anything were to happen to that trash B.S.G heir, wouldn't it hurt Pete more deeply? He must act fast and separate the two of them as soon as possible.

"Kyuu!" Gucci who was silently observing the whole situation tugged Tin's jeans to get his attention.

Tin looked down and saw that the little beast was tugging with its mouth. He quickly realized that the weak unconscious owner of the little beast needed to drink the potion.

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