Chapter 92 - After One Year

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A year passed and the world was much more stable after the short "Demonic War." It was called as such since it was the turning point for the Demonic Elementalists. They were able to overthrow the rule of their counterpart: the Righteous Elementalists. And despite this frightening change that people thought that would start the end of the world, nothing huge happened. Of course, there were exceptions. Both Righteous Elementalists and Demonic Elementalists were ruled by Tin himself. Even though the Righteous Elementalists believed that Tin betrayed them, they were unable to resist him since they were weakened. Who would even dare go against him? He was the pinnacle of power in this world. So, the Righteous Elementalists could only obey his wishes. As for Tin, even though the Righteous Elementalists community did not accept him wholeheartedly, he was still merciful enough to treat them as equal with the Demonic Elementalists. He wanted to erase the division between these two factions. At the moment, it seemed to be impossible, but he wanted to try.

As for the Beast Summoners, Ae, naturally, was the appointed leader. There were some who opposed him since his father began the war and created a massive cult to harness the power of the King of the Beast. Also, the B.S.G would be solely responsible for the reparations of destruction for starting the war that not everyone was willing to join, to begin with. If it were not for Ae's father, this would not happen at all! Now, not only was their reputation and power ruined, but they were also losing money! Still, for the majority, they chose Ae. He went against his own father because he knew that it was the right thing to do. Besides no one would dare directly go against him as he was backed by the two most powerful individuals in the world: Tin and Can. In addition, he held the Honglyun Sword.

It would certainly seem tyrannic to know that these people were being governed by fear even if it was not the intention both Tin and Ae wanted. If only these people knew the full truth and accepted the truth even if it was painful, they would change their opinions about their new respected appointed leaders. Yet, in this world, emotions tend to govern most people and not through reasoning. So, although it might be harsh, wielding power was a necessary tool for both Ae and Tin to bring authority to these people. It was necessary if they wanted to promote peace and stability in this ever changing world.

While these two were busy reforming their organizations for the better, Can was busy planting Mythic level seeds in his master's garden. This process of planting was quite complicated as it required a complete concentration of spiritual energy. Everything must be done perfectly, so any forms of distraction could cause the seed to explode and turn into a puff of smoke.

"Are you done yet!?" Master Khang suddenly blurted from a distance with Dokebi holding coconut juice above his head.

This sudden disturbance caused Can to jolt from surprise, which resulted with the seed that he was holding to explode on his face. Thankfully, the explosion was not something to be concerned about as it was harmless. The only unfortunate thing was that Can was now covered in white powder. Some of it went inside his mouth.

"Ack!" he coughed as he tried to remove the powder inside his mouth. It was so bitter!

"You lost your focus again. How many times I told you not to get distracted?" Master Khang shook his head in disappointment.

"Mas-" Can paused as he coughed. "You were the one who distracted me!"

"What I'm hearing are excuses," Master Khang replied as he slurped coconut juice with a bamboo straw.

"Go on. Do it again. You've already graduated from the university and you're still like this. At this rate, this garden wouldn't flourish when I die knowing my disciple isn't attentive enough," he continued in an unbothered tone.

Can faced his master with his face full of white powder while scratching his head, "Come on, master, don't say that. I'll do it again."

Even though his master was just making fun of him, he did not want to hear him joking about death.

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