Chapter 86 - Two Supreme Rulers

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Since it was already dark, Tin and the others decided to settle down, not too far away from where the third tower stood. Now that all Apostles were defeated, no one would dare attack them openly. As for Ae's father, he was most likely still in the process of gathering and concentrating spiritual energy to control the King of the Beast. The team could not act rashly and attack the cave as their spiritual energy has been depleted completely.

Tin built a campfire while the rest sat on wooden chairs that came from Pete's storage bag.

"Here, this should help you absorb spiritual energy much faster," Pete said as he handed out high-grade potions to Tin, Pond, and Can. As for Ae, he did not need one. He was still in the recovery phase as his core was still trying to heal. Giving him a potion might overburden his core and cause a disturbance inside.

"Thank you," Can said with a smile. "Umm...Pete."

"Hmm, what is it, Can?" Pete faced the little beast summoner.

"Well, I feel some sort of discomfort around my core. Something feels different after I woke up. I wonder if it was after that incident in the castle," Can explained as he scratched his head.

"It-it doesn't hurt!" Can quickly added as he looked at Tin. He did not want him to overreact about this.

Pete awkwardly looked at everyone. It must be related to Can's father fixing his core. When both Pete and Tin looked at one another, Tin gestured Pete to check on Can's current status with a nod.

"Alright, I'll take a look." Pete hurriedly went behind Can. Putting both of his hands on Can's back, Pete checked the current status of Can's physical health. When he sensed that there was nothing wrong with Can physically, he moved on to check his spiritual energy level and its flow inside him. Other than Can's spiritual energy being somewhat depleted, there was nothing wrong with the level of spiritual energy inside of him. Afterward, he went to check on his spiritual core.

Pete sensed his core's vast capacity to contain spiritual energy. He knew that Can was special as he could gather and contain spiritual energy at an abnormal rate, but being able to sense its vastness was amazing and frightening at the same time. Moving on, he checked for the core's condition. There was nothing wrong with it. The only peculiar thing he noticed was that it was rather stronger. He knew that Can was a tier-6 Rainbow Grade Beast Summoner, but the current strength of his core seemed to exceed that of a tier-6...

A realization slowly crept on Pete. His eyes widened as goosebumps on his body intensified.

He shakily said as he removed his hands from Can's back, "Im..possible..."

"What's wrong? Is my core seriously damaged? I mean I don't feel any pain at all?" Can became nervous all of a sudden as he came up with possible reasons for Pete's scared reaction.

Pete looked at Tin.

"What is it, Pete?" Tin said calmly.

Swallowing his saliva, Pete tried to calm down, but his voice betrayed him when he stuttered.

"His c-core... It's at tier-7..."

At that point, everyone became silent. Their eyes widened. There was a mixture of doubt, amazement, and fear.

"Are you certain?" Pond asked as he looked at Can like he was some sort of god.

"I'm sure. The discomfort that Can was feeling was due to the core's upgrade. He needs to stabilize it first," Pete replied.

"Then....are you saying that...there are two Supreme Rulers?" Pond continued to ask.

Having one Supreme Ruler was already considered a rarity. In all history of humanity, at different points of time, there were only two people who became the Supreme Ruler in the past. Now, there was Tin, which made him the third Supreme Ruler. To have another addition of Supreme Ruler to exist at the same time as Tin, this phenomenon would be considered as something that was too abnormal! Weren't the gods too partial towards Tin and Can? Were they too bored that they have decided to grant extreme power to two people who were lovers to boot!? Would Ae's father even have a chance to lift a finger against them?

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