Chapter 105 - Twins

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Sweat from uncertainty and nervousness filled Pete as he stared at the computer screen intensely. He hoped that the machine would at least finish scanning before it shuts down completely. Thankfully, after a few moments and luck being on his side, the scan was completed and the results were sent to the main computer.

100% Scanning Complete...

Sending File to Main Computer...

Task Complete...

0% Spiritual Energy Remaining...

Shutting Down...

With that, both Ae and Pete sighed in relief. Still, their jobs were not complete. Pete hurriedly went to the main computer to check the results.

As soon as he read the file, his heart stopped for a second from the findings. Can's condition was quite serious. The more that he read it, the more afraid he became.

"What did you find out?" Ae asked as he stood next to Pete. He saw Pete's stunned expression from reading the file.

Before answering, Pete made sure that he read the file correctly. Then slowly, he turned to Ae.

"Can's situation is worse than I expected," Pete replied as he then looked in the direction of where Can was currently lying down.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with him?" Ae's eyes widened as worry for his friend took over.

"The complete depletion of his energy was due to the twins inside of him," Pete answered as he went to approach Can.

"Twins? I thought he only had one?" Ae was puzzled by this new information.

"Yes, we thought so too. Even Can himself could feel that there was only one child in him," Pete removed the restraints from Can and checked if his condition was better compared to earlier. If his body did absorb the energy from the batteries that contained his spiritual energy, then that should help calm Can's natural defense.

"So, how is this related to Can's condition?" Ae assisted in removing the restraints.

"Can did only have one child in his belly in the beginning. His mysterious condition showed up due to his pregnancy. According to the report, the child absorbed half of Can's spiritual energy for it to form its spiritual roots. That's what has been happening with Can these past few weeks. His body could handle it without much problem, but this time, his entire spiritual energy was depleted," Pete paused for a moment as he was still trying to gather his thoughts regarding Can's unique case.

"Somehow, the second child emerged in his body and took half of his energy at the same time with the first child which caused complete depletion of Can's spiritual energy."

"Emerged? You mean to say that the second child emerged all of a sudden? How's that even possible?" Ae was truly dumbfounded.

"I'm still unsure how, but as I said, Can has a unique case of pregnancy. We don't know much what could go on with a Supreme Ruler getting pregnant," Pete explained as he checked Can's body's condition. This time seeing that Can regained color on his skin and that his breathing was much more stable, Pete gathered the courage to examine Can personally.

"What else do you know? What could be done?"

"The scanner did not pick up every information it was supposed to get from Can since there was interference from his body's natural defense mechanism. I would need to rerun the scanner, but that would require Can's spiritual energy and we can't do that at the moment. Still...," Pete began thinking.

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