Chapter 27 - Small Note

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The next day on a Saturday morning, Can got up early to prepare breakfast. It was 6:00 a.m. Usually, at this time, he would be asleep until noon, but since he is currently under Tin's roof, he has no choice but to get up. In any case, Tin wanted to eat breakfast so he cannot make him wait. Besides, Can also wanted to use the magnificent kitchen anyways.

Firstly, before anything else, Can texted his mom to check on her and his sister, Ley. After texting, he went to the kitchen and prepared food for breakfast. Since he forgot to ask Tin what he wanted for breakfast yesterday, he just decided to cook several dishes, so Tin would have some options to choose from. When he finished cooking, he was thinking whether to knock at Tin's door or to text him that the food was now ready. He chose the latter.

Can: "Breakfast is ready." (sent at 6:50 a.m.)

After sending the text, Can put the food he prepared on the dining table. He was in a good mood. This was evident with his constant humming. When he finished placing the dishes on the table, he sat down on one of the chairs and waited for Tin to reply.

Five minutes have passed, but he did not get any reply from Tin. Still, the little beast summoner continued to hum. He thought that Tin was barely waking up, so he waited. Ten minutes turned into thirty minutes. That thirty minutes turned into an hour. Still, no reply from Tin.

The food grew cold but Can did not seem to notice it because his mind was filled with Tin. He decided that instead of waiting for Tin to reply, he would just knock on his door. Standing up from his seat, he walked towards Tin's room. As he stood in front of the door, he started to become nervous.

"He said he would join me for breakfast, so it's okay if I knock on his door," Can told himself as he tried to motivate himself to knock on the door.

He slowly raised his right hand and formed a fist. Using his knuckles, he knocked on the door.

"Tin, I made breakfast," Can said as he slightly raised his voice.

There was no reply or movement that can be heard on the other side of that door. Was he still asleep?

Can repeated knocking and calling out to Tin, but this time it was louder. Still, no reply or any movements inside the room.

The little beast summoner felt lost. What is he supposed to do then? After a few moments of thinking, he decided to go inside Tin's room to see if he is actually inside or not. Slowly turning the doorknob and opening the door, Can peeked inside the room. Unsurprisingly when he saw the contents of the room, it truly befits a person from a royal family. It was fully furnished with items only the rich could afford. Although Can would like to admire the rich prince's personal room, he was there to look for the actual owner. When his head turned to look at Tin's bed, no one was there. Where did he go?

"Tin? Are you here?" Can made sure one more time that the rich prince was not inside his room, but he still did not get any reply in return. He decided to take his phone out and call him. As his phone rang, another phone started to ring inside Tin's room. Looking for the source of the sound, Can found Tin's phone on the small dark wood table next to his bed. Why did he leave his phone?

The little beast summoner scratched his head as he was contemplating what to do next. He was thinking of checking each room to see if Tin was inside of one of those rooms, but he thought that by the time he checked every room, it might already be afternoon. As he became frustrated, he decided to check outside the mansion to see if he was there somewhere. He would like to check the garden and feel the fresh morning breeze anyways.

When he got out of the mansion, he started wandering around the garden. The garden's pleasing appearance gave the little beast summoner ease and peace of mind. As he further explored the surrounding of the back of the mansion, he found a small stone path.

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