Chapter 103 - Everyone is Getting Engaged Nowadays

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Back at Kengkla's bar...

While everyone was having fun and catching up with one another, Techno slightly turned to Kengkla and nudged him, who was right next to him. Techno was telling him to do something. With both of them standing behind the bar while serving both Ae and Can of drinks, Kengkla was clueless, at first, of what Techno wanted him to do. Well, he was not exactly clueless, he just wanted to tease him.

"What?" Kengkla whispered while pouring the small blender with fruits and vegetables for Can. It was not surprising that Can would have such a huge appetite. This pregnant person who was, in the beginning, not trying to showcase his enjoyment towards fruit and vegetable juice was now being more deliberate and obvious with it. Can was now trying different blends of fruits and vegetables to see what he would like the best. He thought that he could then perhaps replicate it later at home.

"Ummm... I want to try mango....cherries....and umm dragonfruit," Can pointed at the huge refrigerator filled with different fruits and vegetables. It was not a coincidence that there was a huge refrigerator filled with such items. It was deliberate as it was personally requested by Tin himself. Of course, as someone with power and influence, no one would make a fuss or oppose such a request. In addition, it was such a small request. Saying "no" would certainly be more harmful. In any case, in this particular friend group, Can was the youngest out of the four. So, it was natural that they would agree and spoil him.

With the fruits peeled, sliced, and the unwanted parts removed, Kengkla placed them inside the blender and began to mix them. Getting slightly annoyed, Techno whispered and leaned forward, "Tell them our announcement."

Perhaps Kengkla wanted to tease him further or the sound of the blender was too loud, he replied, "I'm sorry, what?"

Finally out of patience, Techno shouted, "I said tell them about our engagement!"

Before he said those words, Kengkla was quick to stop the noisy blender, so everyone could hear the revelation from Techno clearly.

Soon, the bar descended to momentary silence. It then changed to confusion, well, mostly with Can.

"Engagement?" Can asked as he held up his empty glass to Kengkla for more juice.

Meanwhile, Ae, who was slightly buzzed, began to clap. "Congratulations to both of you!"

"Thank you, Ae," Kengkla nodded as he poured the juice into Can's glass.

As for Techno, he quickly forgot how Kengkla tricked him. It was supposed to be Kengkla who was going to announce that they were engaged. Anyways, it was surprising and somewhat expected that Can would be confused about their relationship together.

"We've been together for a while now. Are you even aware of our relationship?" Techno asked as he scratched his head.

"I was never aware. You never told me that you guys were both together. This is actually news to me," he did not sip his glass as he was shocked by this sudden revelation.

Ae scrunched his face, not from the drink, but the fact that Can was shocked about the relationship between the two. He was so sure that both Kengkla and Techno were obvious about them being together.

"You didn't really know about the two?" Ae could not help it but ask.

Can shook his head.

"Seriously Can, are you, my close friend, that dense?" Techno asked in disbelief.

As for Kengkla, he tried to suppress his laughter.

Can could only scratch his head feeling rather disappointed at himself for not knowing, "I-I'm sorry." Was he the only one who did not know about this?

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