Chapter 17 - New Enemies

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"I told you Can that you can do it!" Techno gleefully said while his right arm is still around Can's neck.

Can returned a huge bright smile revealing his white front teeth that could compete with the sun for their brightness. He was just truly happy about winning for the first time in a competition. If this was going to be the case, he should have joined sooner so he could have gotten the benefits of being in the top 100 earlier.

Kengkla patted Can's head while revealing an accomplished look. He was happy that Can won, but he was way happier about Can's development throughout his journey for this competition. Before, he would have a lot of doubts about himself, but now, he seemed to have more confidence in himself. He hoped that this continues.

As the three friends walked toward the rest area that offered multiple benches, someone with a slightly displeased look was observing the three. In the rest area, only the participants and their close family members or friends could go. Tin is neither exactly a family member nor a friend to Can. He was in a different category which gave him an exception to be in the rest area. Even if he was not allowed to be in that area, no one would dare stop and kick him out if he wanted to go. Who in the right mind would dare offend Tin just for a resting area? Everyone who saw Tin waiting was quite surprised and curious. Who was Tin waiting for in the rest area? Is it a friend or better yet, a girlfriend? Of course, no one knew that Tin was waiting for Can who just owes his entire life to him. What they will learn later will shock all of them.

"Since you won your first battle, I will treat you to lunch anywhere you want as long as I could afford it," Techno said braggingly while pointing at the bench where the three could sit. Even though Techno is from a rich family just like Kengkla, his parents only give him a small allowance every month. They want Techno to learn how to work hard and adapt to poor conditions. Although this was the case, he would spend his money on his friends because he likes them. Can is number one on his list who he spends his most money on. Techno is truly a good-natured person and not stingy which is why Kengkla likes to stick around with him.

Sometimes being too nice can bring danger. The ice prince has been looking at Techno in displeasure for some time now for sitting too close to Can, yet Techno was oblivious about Tin's cold gaze.

After hearing the sentence from Techno, Tin decided to approach the three and take Can away from the two. Kengkla, who was standing and facing the direction of where Tin is coming from, immediately felt the cold gaze from him. He knew that Tin must be looking for Can. The reason he knew this was because Can would always ask for Tin's location on campus before. He would also just talk about him when the three of them would eat lunch. Judging by the looks of it, Tin seemed unhappy about something. Kengkla looked at Tin and then looked back at Techno whose arm was still around Can's neck while the two were still laughing on the bench. Then it clicked in his mind. He immediately understood the situation.

Kengkla grabbed Techno all of a sudden and pulled him away from Can.

"We just remembered that we had something to do Can, we will see you later," Kengkla said as he acted like he was in a hurry.

"Kengkla, what are-wait! Don't pull me that hard. My shirt will get crumpled," Techno said as he tried to struggle to break free from Kengkla, but he failed.

Kengkla looked directly at Tin as if trying to communicate something with him. He quickly gave him a nod and left the rest area with Techno. Tin, who was behind Can, realized what the little beast summoner's acquaintance did. It seemed that he knew that he was aiming for Can. That is great then because no one would disturb them.

"I will see you later then," Can said while still thinking what his two friends were going to do.

He was suddenly caught by surprise when a hand grabbed his right shoulder. When he looked back, he saw the person who he has been trying to find since this morning.

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