Chapter 13 - Investment

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After breakfast, Can's mother asked her son to quickly change. Not wanting her mother to get angry and pull his ear once again, Can did not bother complaining. He immediately nodded and went upstairs to take a bath and change clothes. His sister took the plates from the dining table and washed them while their mother continued to talk to their honored guest.

"I still can't believe that you guys are friends. That son of mine would always surround himself with his beasts most of the time and disregard people," Mrs. Rathavit said as she chuckled while shaking her head in disbelief.

"How did you two meet?" she curiously asked. Ley who was washing the dishes immediately paid attention to their conversation.

Tin, all of a sudden, had a flashback of the first encounter that he had with the little beast summoner in the Transfiguration Building. He remembered Can's pouting lips as he raised his head to look at him in an intimidating manner. The little beast summoner thought that he was going to kill that little red jelly beast of his even though he was not really planning to. It was definitely an amusing scene. Now that Tin thought about it, he actually finds Can rather cute when he got angry. Back then he was still unsure and indifferent towards Can, but now it is different. As the two of them interacted more, Tin somehow gets more attached to him and cannot get rid of thinking about him. With his feelings becoming more certain towards Can, he has decided to do things to keep him by his side.

"I met him by accident at the university. I was walking back to the parking lot then all of a sudden a jelly beast jumped in front of me. It seemed that the beast was lost because the owner was not around. Soon after Can came and saw me with his beast. The rest was history," Tin said smiling while leaving out some details regarding the confrontation.

"Ohh that's Gucci!" Ley shouted as she interrupted the two. Tin and Mrs. Rathavit simultaneously looked at her. After realizing how she reacted, she quickly turned her head in embarrassment and continued washing the dishes.

"Well, I'm just glad that Can met such a gentleman and a charismatic person like you. Please teach and guide him well. If he does anything irresponsible like this again, tell me! I'll personally discipline him!" Mrs. Rathavit cheekily grin as she formed a fist with her right hand and bumped it to her left palm.

"I understand," Tin said as he nodded.

After some time, Can finished changing. He was wearing what he considered a 'fashionable' outfit when going to a mall: a simple white shirt, black jacket with some rip on it, blue jeans and his worn-out black converse. When he went downstairs and walked towards the dining room, everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows and surprised look. Is he that good with fashion that everyone looked so surprised? He has been wearing this kind of outfit for a long time now so what's with the look that everyone had?

"We should go now Tin," Can said as he faced Tin.

"With that look?" Ley said sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Can asked in confusion.

"If you stand next to Tin, people will think you are a robber," Ley face-palmed.

"You're not some gangster going to someone's house to get their money; You're going with Tin!" Can's mother added.

Can was a little hurt. He thought he actually looked cool. He looked at Tin, but he was just glancing at him from head to toe.

"Cantaloupe go change, I'll help pick your clothes," Ley recommended.

"But I like this outfit. Also, the rest of my clothes are in the washer right now," Can tried to protest.

"It's okay. It's not a problem," Tin finally said.

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