Chapter 84 - Where is Can?

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Hello! I'm back. I'm sorry about the delay. I was really busy XD Anyways here you go!


It was him. Ae was certain that it was Pond who manipulated him. Why? What was his reason for doing that? Why did he act that he was some kind of innocent person when he was around him? Does he not feel guilty? Does Can know about this?

A lot of questions were filling his mind, but he did not let these stop him from thinking rationally. It was not the right time to question and vent his frustrations and anger towards Pond.

Suppressing the almost erupting mix of emotions, he formed a tight fist and closed his eyes. He took multiple deep breaths to calm down and let the tension from his body go away.

When Pete sensed Ae's uneasiness, he caressed his back and with a comforting smile, he said, "It will be okay. Just believe in them."

Ae gazed at him and forced a smile with his true feelings buried inside of him. He only nodded back and did not say anything else. At that point, Pete would notice a sudden change in Ae's behavior. Although it was a subtle change, Pete could certainly sense it.

On the battlefield, Pond was gaining the upper hand over the apostles. His enemies were starting to fall one by one as they fought among themselves. Seeing how this battle unfolds, Pond was quite satisfied. He was somehow enjoying the misery of his enemies. Of course, he would enjoy such a sight since he was unable to let go of his grudge against them. This was a payback when he lost in a fight with them back in the Phoenix Garden. Yet, when Pete and especially Ae saw how he was having fun in this situation, it somehow looked like they were witnessing another side of Pond. It was an ugly one. Unfortunately, they did not know the truth about why Pond was happy being this ruthless. They did not bother to ask later anyways.

On Can's side, his battle against the clones was still in a stalemate. Despite the overwhelming power of the three clones against him, Can still managed to exchange blows aggressively and confidently with the protection of the Guyak Shield. The little beast summoner knew that he could not prolong the fight. It was almost impossible to defeat the clones by himself after all.

Quickly, he glanced at Tin who was still unconscious on the ground to check on him. A wave of relief went to his being after knowing that Tin was resting peacefully with stable breathing. Unfortunately, this second of carelessness and not paying attention to his enemies would soon put him in a much more difficult situation.

Tin's clone used this moment of Can's carelessness to try to remove the shield away from him. He knew very well that the shield was the only thing that was obstructing him from eliminating the enemy.


He stomped the ground causing a strong wave to spread on the floor of the palace. With his signal, the other clones used their magic spells to attack Can. This sudden strong earthquake and burst magic attack spells from the clones made Can lose his footing.

Now, lying on the floor, the three clones unendingly sent a wave of attacks. Fortunately, the clones' plan to remove Can's shield failed, but Can was unable to get up because of the unending attack from them. He could only protect himself by holding his shield up. He was stuck.

Panic suddenly engulfed Can. He knew he would be safe, but the feeling of helplessness and being stuck felt quite terrible. He quickly tried to find a way to deal with the situation as he thought of a solution. The source of power for the clones came from this entire castle. Destroying it would be the only solution. Even so, it was easier to say than doing it. The problem was that the castle walls were too strong to penetrate since they were supported by spiritual energy. If Can could somehow disrupt the spiritual energy, even for a moment, then the castle could be easily destroyed.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now