Chapter 117 - The Ancient Supreme Ruler : Khaul

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"You hit him! Why did you attack Tin instead of Christy!"

"Where's the fun with that. It would be too easy."

"Besides it was not exactly offensive magic. I was trying to save him from death, so get off my back and stop getting mad. Parts of his spiritual roots were blocked from some medicine. Seems to be a side-effect."

"You're not lying?"

"You don't believe me? After the things I've done? You're quite ungrateful!" Can's voice rose further. Temperature around him rose as well.


From the somewhat comedic argument within himself, the mysterious person inside Can refocused himself. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. Then extending his arms as if some kind of bird about to take a flight, he whispered mysterious incantations.

"Divine Healing," he said.

Within a second, the flow of green light surrounded and covered Can's body. A deep breath was then exhaled. Afterward, the flow of powerful and soothing green light flowed through his veins and concentrated on Can's hands.

While this ancient magic was being performed, Pete, his associates, and friends became conscious. As for this sudden waking up, it could be attributed to the healing magic being performed.

At first, Pete was confused regarding the current situation. Yet, he was quick to snap out of it to assess the danger and the current situation of everyone. His senses suddenly felt the soothing unknown powerful magic from his back. He turned around and to his surprise — Can was using the most powerful healing magic spell that only existed in legends.

"I learned this from the elders of the Spiritual Users clan. Well, not exactly. I stole it from them haha! They developed it but they were not capable of using it since they did not have the massive spiritual energy that we Supreme Rulers possess. Aren't you lucky?"

Such powerful healing magic that even the strongest Spiritual Users who were adept in this art could not even perform was such a feat!

Since the green light was blinding, Pete had to cover his eyes.

Soon, the light faded. Pete raised his head to look as his eyes widened. That was Can, but how was it possible to know such a spell that only existed in legends?


Pete snapped from the shock and amazement. Although he was unsure how Can was able to be in such a condition, he was glad that he was fine. He turned his head and saw that Ae was trying to get up. Not only him but everyone else was waking up.

Pete got up shakily and helped Ae. As for the others, although they were not aware of what happened, they assessed the situation and kept their vigilance.

That flow of a huge amount of soothing and healing energy was directed and transferred to Tin. The green light was channeled to him, which made him float in the air.

Can frowned.



As the healing continued, "Can" was noticing something.

"I have healed the phsyical wounds that he has and fixed his spiritual roots and core... but they're empty. Hollow. No spiritual energy seemed to flow inside," he remarked.

"He's safe at least, that I could guarantee."

After the healing, the green light that contained healing energy evaporated, putting Tin back to the muddy ground.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now