Chapter 111 - Something has Changed

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A/N: I've been busy lately with work and life in general so that's why I'm late with the updates. In addition, I've been working on other stories that I wish to self-publish in the future. In any case, I would like to thank you all for the continuous support for this fanfiction. Alright enjoy, see ya later!


Tin clearly heard the words that Can spoke. They matched some of the incomplete phrases that he heard earlier in his head. Yet, hearing the entire thing made him want to laugh. So, it seemed to be that his foreseeing ability was referring to this scene? Why did it do that? Could it perhaps be triggered by the desire of the user?

These questions that Tin had in his mind were dismissed when Can realized that there was another well-known presence behind the door. Can realized that Tin must have heard the words that he memorized and blurted out earlier.

Running towards the door and opening it, Can stammered as he faced Tin.

"What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to come home much later?" he asked with clear panic and embarrassment painted on his face.

Tin cleared his throat with a smug face. He tried to hide the fact that he heard Can, but the subtle gestures of hiding his expression made it too obvious that he did in fact heard him.

Seeing that he was exposed, Can could not help it but look down, close his eyes, and frown from the embarrassment.

"I just want to make sure that everything's alright, so I came home and checked," Tin returned his expression to a more sincere and loving smile as he caressed Can's hair. He does find teasing Can too fun.

Hearing what he said, Can calmed himself down then faced Tin once more.

With a questioning gaze turning into a serious one, Can asked, "What happened? What would make you think something wasn't right?"

"Nothing to worry about," Tin replied as he continued to pat Can on the head.

"It's just..."

"It's just what?" Can was somewhat bothered.

"You know this very well, but the two of us are the Supreme Rulers. Aside from our powers multiplying, we gain new abilities as well."

Can nodded. "Yes, that's right."

His expression from serious changed into that of anticipation and excitement, "Did you gain a new one?"

Tin widened his smile. Somehow, Can looked like some kind of puppy waiting for some treats. He could not help it but pinch this man's cheeks.

"I did get one, but I'm still unable to fully control it."

"That's amazing! What is it?" Can did not seem to be bothered by his husband's cheek pinching.

Since Tin thought that Can was not bothered by his teasing, he went ahead and pinched the other side of Can's cheek as he answered him. "I gained the ability to foresee the future."

Can was amazed, but he then became worried, "Did you foresee that there was some kind of danger that was about to happen? Our children..."

Tin interrupted him. "No, it's not what you're thinking. Don't worry. Our family is not in any kind of danger."

Can eased up a little, but he still asked for reassurance. He could not help it since he wanted to make sure that his family, especially his children would be safe. "How can you be sure? You said to yourself that you're unable to control it. It might be telling you something very important. What did your ability tell you anyway?"

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now