Chapter 96 - Sudden Expensive Cravings

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Thank you for waiting. Busy busy.


A month has passed and the news of Can getting pregnant spread within his and Tin's family and their close friends.

"So, quick?" Ley looked at his brother up and down trying to figure out if the news was true. She did notice that there were changes in his brother's appearance. Can has certainly become bigger. She thought that these changes were only due to the fact that he just got engaged with Tin exactly a month ago.

"Is something wrong with that?" Can happily asked as he continued to chomp on the somehow fragrant fried chicken in his hand while grabbing other food with the other.

"No, of course not. It was just all of a sudden, you know." It was just surprising for Ley for his older brother to get pregnant early. That was all.

In any case, she was sure that both Tin and Can would be able to provide for their child. Even if they had dozens of kids, she would not be worried that these two would not be unable to provide. After all, they are the strongest and the wealthiest in the world. What was there for these two to be afraid of?

"Don't worry. Tin and I would make sure to be the best parents to our kid," Can said as he ate another piece of fried chicken.

"I know the two of you would...," Ley continued to observe his older brother then at the empty plates on the dinner table. His appetite for food seemed to have increased to a size of a black hole. It was only lunchtime, but it also looked like that it was also breakfast and dinner time too. It was a lively feast, but only for one person. Perhaps it was due to his pregnancy. As for the person preparing the food, well, he was unbothered as he served Can with all the things he asked for. There was a nonstop flow of food coming from the kitchen. A spoiling husband indeed.

"Ley, why aren't you eating? Tin would bring us more food. Don't be shy now, haha," Can gestured Ley to eat more.

Ley's mouth twitched. Of course, she wanted to eat, but before she could even pick up the food she wanted to eat, her brother would take it. The rate of how fast Can consumes food was just too fast. When Ley would take a bite of her fried chicken, Can would already be on his third one!

Ley did not say anything as she scratched her head. She only fake laughed and continued eating.

"Here's more Can. What else would you like to have?" Tin asked as he laid a few more dishes on the table. He was in such a good mood that Ley could see glitters floating around Tin. Ley had to rub her eyes if she was actually seeing those glitters.

"I'd like to have seafood this time," Can said while slurping his chicken noodle soup.

"Slow down. You're making a mess." Tin shook his head with a smile when he saw this little glutton making a mess. Flicking his wrist, a blue handkerchief appeared out of thin air. Tin then carefully wiped Can's mouth.

"Can't help it. I'm too hungry," he then continued eating.

As for Ley, her eyes widened. He's still not full!?

"I understand. I'll make more in the kitchen." Tin caressed Can's smooth hair and kissed his forehead.

Before he left, he asked Ley if she wanted anything. Her response, "I'm...okay."

With her brother eating too much, it made Ley feel full.

"Alright. Just let me know if you want anything," he replied with a nod as he went back to the kitchen.

"Ahh thank you," Ley smiled.

That afternoon after lunch, Ley accompanied Can to go to Heaven's Gold Mall to buy items. As for Tin, he had to attend an important meeting, so he was unable to accompany his loved one.

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