Chapter 110 - The Voice

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The crack in space certainly did not look normal. It was odd. A contrast addition to the otherwise perfect view of the clear ocean and blue sky. Although this was the case, Tin somewhat finds this oddness rather normal. It was as if it was meant to be there like it was just part of the view. In his head, it felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

So, with that being the case, he ignored the obvious black hole and proceeded to close the window despite the fresh breeze of the ocean water.

Turning back, he walked towards the kitchen to eat breakfast with his family.

Can was just finished putting the plates of food on their dining table. There were different delicious dishes, but of course, the most notable and most popular one, as usual, was Can's hot pockets.

The moment that the plate of hot pockets hit the table, the two children became somewhat like a ferocious beast as they grabbed one with each hand. Gucci, in his gelatinous form, wanted to jump on the table and grabbed hot pockets as well for him to taste, but he knew better. As Can taught him, one must have table manners! Even though this was the case, seeing the two children just standing from their chairs to grab hot pockets, Gucci felt that it was unfair. The two children did not look like they had table manners. They were like wolves ravaging their prey without any consideration of their image.

The little gelatinous beast wanted to join as well and was tempted to jump on the table to grab one, but he knew that Can would probably scold him. Still, an idea came to his head. He was just as naughty as the two children who were his friends.

From his chair, Gucci looked back to see if Can was occupied with something back in the kitchen. If he was, then Gucci would take this opportunity to sneak and jump on top of the table and grab some of the remaining hot pockets. It was a very simple plan.

So, as soon as Gucci found the opportunity when Can was still occupied in the kitchen, he immediately jumped from his seat and onto the dining table filled with mouth-watering and still hot dishes.

Unfortunately, since he was in a hurry, Gucci was unable to calculate his jump from his seat towards his target meal. With that being said, as he jumped from his seat, he realized that his landing would not be on a free space on the table, but on a still somewhat boiling fish soup. The two children did not notice that their pink gelatin friend was about to get burned alive as they were busy messily eating their hot pockets.

"Kyuuu!" Gucci cried in despair.

Before Gucci could fall into the soup and make a mess on the table, he began floating. It took him seconds to realize that he was out of danger as he continued making sounds of commotion.

After the realization, he looked around and saw that Tin was making some gestures with his hand. Soon, Gucci floated then landed back on his seat. Afterward, two floating hot pockets came into his view. Gucci faced Tin to see if they were for him. Tin smiled and gave him a nod.

"Kyuuu!" Gucci happily expressed as he jumped in joy. The next second, he jumped again to catch the two hot pockets in the air with his mouth.


Coming outside from the kitchen, Can put the remaining dishes he cooked on the table.

Seeing that his two children were making a lot of mess on the table, he could only shake his head as he told them, "The two of you should eat slowly. It's not like I'm not feeding the two of you properly. What's with the rush hm?"

"I warnt mow op mom's howt powckets," the boy said with his mouth still full of food. (A/N: "I want more of mom's hot pockets.")

"Shame!" the girl said. (A/N: She meant to say "Same!")

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now