Chapter 123 - Maririn and Marco

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The storm was ominous. The sky was painted in endless darkness like a black hole ready to swallow the entire earth and leave nothing behind. The gust of wind was howling like those of thousands of wolves, ready to devour anything on its way. Lightning comes down with ease like a normal rain but destructive as the bolts of the God Zeus. From calm to disturbed, the waves of the sea rose like mountains as they are about to swallow the land although as soon as they were about to hit the beach where the mansion stands, they would calm down as they got near the portal.

That portal was in a shape of a solid sphere. It was white and small, but enough for a normal adult to fit in. As the storm began its destruction in the sea and the area surrounding the beach, the portal at its center was floating without care. It was not affected by the natural event. It was perfect and without specks. The situation with the mansion was similar. It was undisturbed by the storm's rambling. It was after all made of special materials able to withstand powerful attacks from Rainbow Grade Level 5. The storm was not even a mere tickle to it.

From the portal, a white human figure would appear. As this "human" stepped out from the portal and began to set foot on the white sandy beach, her appearance became more apparent.

The first thing that would be instantly noticed would be her long beautiful red hair floating freely and elegantly unbothered by the strong gust of winds. She has beautiful crimson eyes, red small lips, and petite stature. She was wearing a glossy red robe around her body. Her expression calm.

Another figure showed up right next to her.

"Maririn, are you sure about this?" sounding bored by the figure.

It was a man. Same height and similar facial features as Maririn. Unlike, his twin sister, he has blonde short hair and blue eyes. He was slender but he certainly has more muscle compared to her. A handsome as well as beautiful just like his sister. A black cloak covered him.

"It has to be done, Marco. Father's order," Maririn said as she began to walk towards the mansion.

Marco sighed as he shrugged. "Whatever father wishes, we follow."

He followed her twin sister with his arms around his head while whistling to a tune that was inaudible with the storm raging on.

Inside the mansion, in contrast to the destructive storm outside, there was no sound to be heard. It was only Can making pained noises as he concentrated his energy on pushing the jelly-like crystal structure that covered the twins inside of him out. Although Can had gone through difficulties and various degrees of pain, this was on a whole new level. As he pushed, he glared at Tin. That bastard. Why could he not share his pain with him? They both made these two babies! It was just fair!

Thankfully, the process did not take that long. Soon, the entire jelly-like structure including the twins came out from Can's stomach. When it floated in the air, Can slumped in bed. From frown, his brows finally relaxed. His breathing was normal but he felt tremendous fatigue that his eyelids felt so heavy like a brick that he wanted to close his eyes. He wanted to rest. The twins took a huge amount of spiritual energy from him that almost did not leave even a single drop of it. It was a good thing that Can has the ability to recover fairly quickly. In addition, Pete was there to help by providing Can with a spiritual energy potion as soon as he gave birth.

While flying in mid-air, the jelly-like crystal structure began to shrink. It was absorbed by the twins themselves. After the structure was gone, the twins began crying as they slowly descended.

Tin immediately raised both of his arms to get both of his babies. He could not explain his feelings as soon as he held them. The anxiety that filled him earlier were replaced by tremendous joy but at the same time fear. They seemed very fragile. Cute but fragile. Both of the twins were quite plump. Chubby cheeks. Chubby arms and legs. Their bellies are just as big as Buddha's belly himself. It was no wonder Can struggled so much. His kids could certainly devour a lot of energy, no question!

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