Chapter 115 - The Wrath of the Supreme Ruler

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A severe chill was sent to the very bones and soul of Dr. Christy. She never expected that Can could show such a sinister smile. As an agent, it was important to know the people she would be involved with. She has extensively researched about Can and the others before joining Dr. Pete's medical staff. She concluded that Can was filled with reasoning, moral justice, and that he was merciful. That was part of his weakness.

So, with how things worked out up to this point, this was a great opportunity to fulfill her mission and perhaps escape alive.

She was thinking of just pretending to be just Dr. Christy and not act at all. Yet, the reward of fulfilling this mission was too great to be denied.

As Can approached the barrier, Dr. Christy slowly backed away. She did this until she hit the barrier that was created by Can himself. She was unable to go through it.

When Can got much closer to the barrier, his demeanor somewhat changed. From sinister to a serene expression. The air around him changed. He looked somewhat refreshing like he was surrounded by beautiful flowers and lovely animals. Dr. Christy could not help it but look twice at him. Was it just an illusion earlier?

The storm that was brewing did not occur. The wind and dark clouds dispersed and silenced.

"Well, Dr. Christy? How would you like to bargain?" Can asked amusedly.

There was no sign of fear or hurry in his voice. He was rather calm as if casually talking. It was weird for him to act like this when Tin was in danger of dying by the enemy.

Dr. Christy kept her guard as she focused on Can looking into his eyes. She took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself but she was unable to. "I want you to restrict your powers. Let the soldiers put restrictive bands on you."

"Granted," Can said. "Is that it?"

He did not hesitate as he said those words. He was willing to accept the terms.

Dr. Christy was lost for words. She was stunned. That was it? He was willing to accept her terms just like that?

It felt wrong, but what could she do exactly?

She could only trust his words.

"I shall release Mr. Phiravich. I can assure you that," she said as she gulped. Although she could at least do this, she was not sure what would happen after. Afterall, it was the goal of the United Nations to kill them both. Was Can even aware of this fact? What was he thinking?

"Okay. Then I shall trust Dr. Christy to keep her words," Can's smile widened from ear to ear. His eyes crinkled. Just joyous.

If it was not for the situation that they were in, Dr. Christy would consider this a normal occurrence for Can. It was somewhat uncomfortable seeing him acting this way.

And with that, Can cast a spell on himself.

He took a deep breath, still keeping a serene smile as he cast "Spiritual Energy Lock."

The overwhelming pressure that he was emitting suddenly disappeared.

With the overwhelming pressure gone, the soldiers were able to move freely. Although this was the case, caution and fear were still there in their eyes.

"The restrictive bands! Put them on him," Dr. Christy commanded the soldiers. The grip that she has on Tin's neck has loosened.

The restrictive bands were not ordinary shackles. They were created by top scientists, weaponsmiths, and spiritual users. They would be used for the sole purpose of catching Can and Tin if this option became a possibility. Of course, it was a priority to kill them first when it comes to it. Yet, if there was a chance that they could catch them, they could study their powers and the secrets of becoming a Supreme Ruler. If they could attain that power, who would dare question the power of the United Nations?

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