Chapter 100 - No Alcohol for You

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Here's another chapter. Quick clarification, I'm just uploading bonus chapters. The story sorta already ended at chapter 92. 

I'll move on to work on other stories soon after.


"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to the party?" Can asked his husband. Today was the day for his close friends' party at Kengkla's place, in which both he and Techno have an announcement to make. Can was still wondering what the announcement was about.

"No, I'm fine. Send my regards to both of them," Tin said as he gave Can a loving kiss on the lips. "There's only the four of you, correct?" He asked after parting their lips.

Can smiled while nodding and fixing his husband's tie. Tin has to head to work again in the office. "Me, Kengkla, Techno, and Ae."

"I wonder what the announcement would be about. There's only me and Ae at their party," Can wondered.

Tin slightly shook his head at Can's denseness. Patting his head carefully, Tin said, "You'll find out when you get there."

Can looked up, "You seemed to know something?"

Tin could only chuckle. He kissed Can's forehead. "Have fun alright? Remember not to drink alcohol."

"Not even a sip?" Can teased as he put his arm around Tin's upper arm.

"Oh, is that a threat?" Tin lifted Can's chin to face him. His smile was teasing as well.

"And if it is? What are you going to do about it?" Can continued to play along.

Tin got closer to Can and whispered to his ear, "Well, you know I do have a special way to implement punishment just for you. It's harsh you won't be able to get out of bed for a long period of time. I'd surely say that the two of us would certainly enjoy it."

Slightly getting red, Can refuted, "Then it's not a punishment since I'll be enjoying it as well."

Clearly interested, Tin pulled Can closer with a firmer grip around Can's waist, "Why don't I punish you right now then you can judge?"

Tin proceeded to nibble Can's earbud, which caught the other person by surprise.

"YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Can instantly squirmed as he tried to push Tin away. He thought that he could win with this teasing game. It seemed that it was still early for Can. He was still not used to Tin's dirty tactics.

Finally having his fill of teasing Can, Tin finally let him go. "Have fun. I'll call and text you to check on you. I'll see you later..... I love you."

Calming down, Can replied with a nod and a smile, "I'll see you later, too. I love you too." He then followed with another kiss on Tin's lips. This time it was a few seconds longer.

With that lovely goodbye, Tin turned and left.

As for Can, since the party was set in the afternoon and it was still morning, he decided to finish his morning meal. In addition to that, he would also grab some millions worth of gemstones and put them in his mouth until they dissolved.

Later, he would have Gucci and some of his other cute summoned beasts around to play with him. Somehow, Can has been increasingly fond of cute and small things. Of course, everyone around him who knew he was pregnant attributed it to his pregnancy.

Speaking of Gucci, this gelatinous beast who transformed into a teenager last year was now considered a full-fledged adult in beast years the other day. To celebrate his adolescence, Can made a huge and extravagant celebration in the Beast Gods' Dimension with other of Can's thousands of contracted beasts. Although Gucci's party was for him becoming an adult, Can did not seem to be able to wrap around such a concept that he made the theme of the party more kid-like. Cartoon characters were plastered on the decorations for the party. The huge cake was molded into his favorite character: Spongeblob. The mascot entertaining the guests was also Spongeblob. The party was certainly more of a kids' party rather than that of an adult. Every summoned beast who attended the party was confused, especially when they got an invitation of Gucci's debut as an adult. It was filled with cartoon characters and glitters. The message was clear, but the execution was not exactly what they hoped it would be. Of course, they were unable to say anything since their master put so much effort into making such a huge event happen. In addition, it was certainly fun and festive. So, all was well.

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