Chapter 131 - Together

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"We don't know what it's capable of yet. We can't fully trust the black mist," he said.

"I'm willing to take the risk, Can. For our children... Besides," he grabbed one of Can's hands and placed it on his chest. "My spiritual core is gone."

Can's eyes widened. He tapped his husband's chest and inserted his spiritual energy.

It was one thing after another.

His body shook as there was no spiritual core to be found.

"When did this happen? How did it..." Can asked, staring intently at Tin.

Tin could only look at Can as his lips were tied together. He did not want to say it.

The realization then hit Can. Fist tightening, he said, "I see... So, it was my fault."

Tears filled Can's eyes. It was just failure after failure.

First was losing his child, and now this.

"Was it during my coma?" Can asked as he looked at him.

Tin paused but didn't deny it. He weakly nodded at him.

A headache ensued. It felt like tremors of the Earth just slowly creeping in before a major earthquake. Like the trembling of the sky by its rumblings before the thunder. The wave of fatigue and defeat weighed him down even further.

What else did he mess up on?

Just like a dam overfilled with flowing and raging water, Can eventually broke down.

At that point, he realized just how his position of being a Supreme Ruler was a giant boulder that would keep him sinking until it reached the bottom of the dark ocean never to emerge again.

He was supposed to be at the pinnacle of strength and model that would help humanity, but all he was doing was creating chaos and problems for everyone.

This was not at all a blessing. It was certainly a burden.

He wanted to control his emotions and not make an outburst, but he was unable to do it.

Panic set in. His breathing felt constricted as if someone was strangling him. His heartbeat rose while trying to gain air. Tears fell from his eyes continuously while trembling. He was not sure what to do anymore.

Tin immediately embraced him and attempted to soothe him. He himself wanted to break down as well, but one of them has to stay strong or else they both fall apart. He must stay strong for Can and their children.

"I can't save everyone, Tin. The people I love... I just keep... failing..." Can whispered, trying to regain his normal breathing. He cowered and tightened his fists.

Keep it in, don't let anyone see your weakness.

Keep it together, Can.

Can expressed himself as he held him tightly, "It's true that you can't save everyone, no one can. But you always do your best to save people. You always keep trying."

Can, of course, knew that. It was just hard to accept it.

"We'll overcome this. You don't have to do this alone."

Can's breathing slowly stabilized.

"You have us. Please don't feel that you have to have this burden on your own," Tin continued.

Can turned and embraced Tin.

"Thank you. Thank you for being by my side. I'm sorry for what I did to you, Tin," he whispered.

Tin gently looked down at Can while holding the side of Can's cheek, "I'll do anything for you. That includes our children. Anything for our family."

Can appreciated such conviction and gesture. He would do the same as well.

"Thank you, Tin. Thank you..." he said, still crying.

Tin continued to caress and soothe him.

Pete approached the two while holding the baby as she cried and was agitated, "Kat is stable now, but she's hungry. She requires spiritual energy from you, Can."

After making studies of Can and his baby while it was still inside him, Pete and other doctor scientists made discoveries. Unlike normal babies, Can's twins require spiritual energy to grow. It was their form of food. It was baffling to accept that it was the case but since they were dealing with a Supreme Ruler who could break the natural law, it was not too surprising. Wiping his tears, Can took Kat and embraced her.

He let go of his problems momentarily and focused on this intimate moment of taking care of his baby. Patting the baby in his embrace while moving her gently from side to side, Can slowly poured spiritual energy into her.

Although his spiritual core was severely damaged and he was not sure how long it would take to be repaired, he still could manage to store some spiritual energy.

Kat finally calmed down. By the time Can was done feeding her, his spiritual core was already depleted. Another small crack showed.

Can could feel the dizziness and the weakness again. Blood from the orifices coming out again for abusing his unstable spiritual core. Any more and it would be fatal.

Knowing this, Pete stood next to Can and made him sit as he checked on him. "I'll tend to your wounds, Can, but you have to refrain from using your spiritual energy as much as you can. Your spiritual core is already damaged."

Pete used his spiritual energy and healed Can the best he could. Ae was there by him holding Kat and rocking her to sleep.

"You should rest for now," Tin took Can's hand and caressed it.

"I'll take care of things here and let you know our findings when you're in a much better condition," Tin said as he gave Pete a nod.

"But..." Can mumbled. He was too tired. Still, he wanted to keep pushing himself so he tried to keep his eyes open, but they felt heavy like a huge boulder. Eyes now closed shut, he faltered back and Tin caught him.

Meanwhile, a certain Beast God woke up.

"How dare you! Remove these restraints immediately!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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