Chapter 25 - Upcoming War

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"Did I tell him what?" grandfather Phiravich asked in annoyance.

Tin did not answer, but he raised the flower that he was holding a little bit.

"The Celestial flower? Or do you mean how you deceived Can with the flower?" he continued while smirking as he revealed Tin's underhanded tricks.

Tin changed his tone of voice from cold to indifference as he stared at the flower he was holding.

"It would be unfortunate not to see grandfather anymore when this flower is gone," Tin casually said as he created a small fire on his index finger of his left hand.

"You ungrateful grandson! Why are you this cruel to me!?" the old man said as he felt the sweat started to form on his forehead. If the flower gets destroyed, unless there is someone or something that is willing to provide a huge amount of spiritual energy then he would not be able to be awakened in a ghost form. Even though he mentioned that Tin could do whatever he wants with the flower, destroying such important treasure that has sentimental value to him is not part of the deal. That would be horrible for him if the flower gets destroyed. Surely, his grandson would not dare put such important treasure on fire, right?

As if Tin sensed what his grandfather was thinking, he slowly closed the distance between the flower that he was holding on his right hand and the fire on his left hand.

"I didn't say anything," Tin's grandfather finally yielded as he tried to stop his grandson.

Tin slowly extinguished the fire on his left hand which in turn gave the old man a sigh of relief. That grandson that he used to spoil became a cruel and evil adult.

"What do you want?" Tin asked indifferently as he stared at the door while waiting for Can to come back already. In the bathroom, Can felt sudden goosebumps as he sneezed. Someone must have been talking about him!

Tin's grandfather seemed to notice his behavior. He realized that Tin had changed significantly. He is not the same Tin anymore who always tried to bother him and tried to get spoiled whenever he could. He wondered what happened when he was gone for several years. With the changes in Tin's personality, old man Phiravich did not know how to start a conversation with him.

"You really like that kid huh?" old man Phiravich calmly asked. Since his grandson likes Can so much, they could start talking about him. It is good to know about his future granddaughter-in-law if Tin is really serious about him. He also wanted to know more about the person who made his grandson head over heels that even this old man's existence does not seem to matter or compare to him.

"He saved me," Tin's indifferent attitude immediately changed as his expression became more sincere and soft.

Tin's expression made his grandfather's eyes widened from the astonishment. He figured that his grandson must be truly in love with Can. He knew this expression very well. Back then when he was young, he had this same expression when he fell in love with Tin's grandmother. It is as if that person is the only one that matters in this world. If this is the case, then he understands Tin's situation more. He would not be able to compete with Can for his grandson's attention. Still, this is no reason for Tin to disrespect and ignore his grandfather whenever he pleases!

Old man Phiravich relaxed while he put both of his hands behind his back as he continued talking to his grandson.

"Where did you meet him hmm?" he continued as he calmly asked his grandson.

Tin faced his ghost grandfather and surprisingly started talking with a soft smile on his face. He mentioned about how the two of them met as if it just happened recently with how vivid Tin's description of Can has become. His description is at that point that old man Phiravich realized that his grandson is truly obsessed with Can. With this sudden realization, he is now more concerned about Can rather than his grandson. Of course, he was unable to say his concerns to Tin since he was just able to talk to his grandson properly right now. He did not want to ruin this grandfather and grandson moment too early. He just wished Can good luck.

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