Chapter 85 - Third Tower : Guardian

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Another update. Also, I updated a new chapter on the new story I'm working on: 

(Check it out if you have time.)


"CAN!? WHERE ARE YOU!" Pond shouted in anger and frustration. His breathing became more rapid as a result.

"You said you'll come to find us," he whispered as his worry about the situation of his master intensified.

He shouted a couple of more times as he circled the remnants of the once-mighty floating castle not too long ago. His summoned ravens searched far and wide around this dimension, but they did not find Can's shadow.

"Sh*t! Sh*t!" He stomped the ground with his right foot, which left a huge hole.

Both Pond and Ae were silent. They were not sure how to react at all. Did Can disappear? Is he...

They did not want to think about it. They did not dare think about losing him again. They already lost him once.

As mixed emotions and silence filled them, they did not notice the struggle and the uneasiness of the Great Black Raven. It was scared stiff!

As for what reason, it was clear that it was due to the person resting behind its back. If Pond saw how his pet bird, a Mythical grade beast, could act in such a shameless manner, he would probably think of disowning it.

The moment Tin took a deep breath, the Great Black Raven began shivering.

"Could you stop shaking, you're going to give me a headache," Tin said coldly.

After finishing his sentence, the Great Black Raven gulped and stood without moving, just like a statue.

Tin then closed his eyes and concentrated his power as he stabilized it. He could sense that his corrupted core has cracks. So, within a few moments, he fixed it.

He was unaware of what happened when he lost control earlier, but he knew it had something to do with his corrupted core. Fortunately, he was able to learn more on how to fix his core after he first lost his control back in Can's small house. Still, he did not expect that he would lose control and let his emotions get into him at a very critical moment. It was surely a lesson to be learned. He has to further control his strong emotions, especially when it comes to Can.

Although he was unaware of what happened earlier, he knew that Can helped him stabilize his corrupted core with his spiritual energy. He would know since Can's spiritual energy was unique and pure. He felt it a couple of times before.

Checking his current surroundings, he immediately noticed the black smoke and ashes that came from the demolished castle. He could see the white-colored sphere floating above it. That was the source of power of the second tower.

In a distance, he could hear the shouting. He was not paying attention at first due to his concentration on fixing his corrupted core. Once he heard what Can's pet and the others were shouting, he tensed immediately then calmed down. If it was before, he would certainly be overwhelmed with emotions, which would cause his corrupted core to take control of him once again. Now, it was not the case.

Tin got up and jumped down from the Great Black Raven's back. He took a deep breath and used a spell to search for Can.

"Blood Pact: Search!"

(A/N: Blood Spell Ch. 31)

Since he has implemented an improved Blood Pact with Can, Tin could easily locate his whereabouts anywhere without any problem. Whether he was dead or alive, he would be able to find him.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now