Chapter 91 - It's Over

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"Wh-who are you?" Pond wiped the tears in his eyes.

"I am the God of Rebirth. One of the many true gods." The voice echoed throughout the empty dark space.

Pond looked around and tried to find the source of the voice. Unfortunately, he could not find this God of Rebirth. He could only see darkness.

Since he accepted that he was already dead, it was easy for him to also accept that this God of Rebirth was real.

"Is that my actual past? Why did you show me my past?" Pond was confused.

"What you witnessed is real. Your truth. As for the reason why, well, I want you to know your identity before giving you a choice."

Pond slightly frowned. "A choice?"

The God of Rebirth was quick to answer. "A choice of rebirth, of course."

The beast god thought about the concept of rebirth silently. He looked up, "What would happen if I do choose this path of rebirth?"

"Your current memory will be erased, but you will return to the mortal realm with your friends as a newborn. Erasing your memories is part of the standard procedure for rebirth. As for returning you to the mortal realm with the people who cared for you and you cared for, I'm willing to do that because of the accumulated unfairness that was done to you throughout the time you lived. You have already paid more than enough for your mistakes, so I'm willing to forgive and to grant you such a good offer."

"Good offer, my ass!" Pond told himself as he sneered. What was the point of going through a rebirth and being with the people he cared for, if he was not going to remember anything at all?

"And if I decided not to go through rebirth?" he looked around.

"Well, you'll keep your memories and you can enter paradise," the god of rebirth replied in a casual manner.

Pond's interest was piqued. "A paradise? What kind of paradise is it?"

Would it be a place full of booze? Can he be with his parents? His friends? Can?

"It can be whatever you want it to be. Whatever it is that you would consider a paradise, it would appear and be yours. Whether it be booze, your parents, your friends...Can."

Pond suddenly decided to cover his mouth as his eyes widened. Did he say his desires out loud?

"So, what would it be?" the god of rebirth asked.

"But that paradise, it wouldn't be real. It's just an illusion." Pond somehow hesitated to choose.

"Does it matter? You can make it your reality if you want to. It would be an illusion if you decided it to be such."

Pond was speechless. There was truth to what the god of rebirth said. For the majority of his life, he suffered from cruelty and hatred from people. He only experienced happiness for a brief moment. Would it not be great to continue that happiness in the paradise that he could create? It would not matter if it was not real as long as he was happy. That was the only thing he wanted in life: happiness.

Before he decided his path, Pond whispered, "What path did my parents choose?"

There was a moment of silence.

"What do you think?"

Pond could not answer the question since he did not know them personally. Yet, he wanted to know if he would have the same choice as them. He wanted to know if he would have the right choice as their parents.

"I can assure you that they're happy with their choice," the god of rebirth said, not wanting Pond to dwell too much on the question.

There was a sudden smile on Pond's expression. If they were happy, then it seemed that there was no need to answer the question.

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