Chapter 112 - Getting Out of Fantasy

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A/N: I was really busy but here you go. Thank you for your patience.

"Tin! We don't have much time!"

"Listen Tin! Remember your mission. Save Can!"

"You have to get out of there!"


"We might lose both of you!"



All of a sudden, the ringing sounds were mixed with a loud voice. That voice, it was clear who it came from. It was clearly from Pete!

Yet, why was Tin hearing his voice? What was happening?

Slowly, as the bombardment of Pete's words continued, the thoughts that were hidden behind his head were creeping back in.

"Listen Tin! Remember your mission. Save Can!"

That specific phrase echoed in his head.

He suddenly had a realization and was able to connect the dots.

The ringing sounds and that mysterious voice that he had heard earlier actually came from Pete and not from Can or anyone else.

Tin was shaken as everything finally came back to him.

Everything made sense. Slowly, the loud ringing noise has quieted down.

Yet, Tin wondered why did he not remember his task earlier when he entered this dimension?

He did not remember anything when he fell down after entering the entrance to Can's world. 

Tin, with his true memories back, mustered much of his strength to turn around and face Can.

For his significant other, Tin could see that Can looked shocked.

"Tin, what's wrong? What's going on? Why are you bleeding?" Can asked frantically. He got out of bed and rushed to get to Tin to help him out. He was still naked, but he did not mind it. Truth to be told, he did not notice it because he was too worried about Tin's condition.

"Let me help you. I have a health potion. Don't worry, you'll be fine," Can said as he turned around. "Lie down first. I'll get my storage ring right now."

Can held onto Tin's shoulder gently to lead him to their bed, but when he tried to pull him, Tin did not budge.

"Tin? Are you not able to move at all?" Can asked. He was more worried than before.

Tin shook his head. With his left hand, he grabbed Can's arm firmly.

"We have to leave this place Can. This is not the real world," Tin said gritting his teeth while he was still in stinging pain.

Can was stunned. He wondered if Tin was hallucinating due to his injury. It seemed to be rather more serious than he initially thought.

"Tin, we're in the real world. You're our home."

Tin shook his head, the pain that was feeling was becoming more unbearable. His damaged spiritual roots have become worse which was possible due to him using his powers. Tin forgetting his memories and his body not feeling any pain throughout that time was still a mystery to him. In any case, because of this, he was able to use magic without a problem until his real memories returned and the backlash on his body occurred which made his condition worse.

The black hole was continuously expanding. The foundation of the dimension was weakening, therefore it was about to collapse.

"You don't understand, everything in this world was created by yourself. They're not real."

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now