Chapter 90 - A Chance of Rebirth

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As he took his last breath, Pond felt himself getting detached from his physical body. He floated and slowly ascended. Checking himself, he was sure that he was dead as his body was somehow translucent. When he looked around him, he saw both Pete and Ae crying over his cold dead body that was lying on the ground.

Pond wanted to move to try to get back to his body. He wanted to know whether he could still go back and live. If that would happen, then he would surely scare both Ae and Pete. Unfortunately, when he tried moving back to his body, he could not do it. He continued to float in the air.

"That's too bad," he whispered to himself with bitterness.

Soon, his spiritual body slowly disappeared. Thinking that it was the end for him this time for sure, he closed his eyes.

When he thought that everything for him ended, he would then hear sudden noises around him.

"Don't ever go near her. She's a traitor."

"What is she doing here? Isn't she supposedly banished by the Beast God Emperor?"

Pond finally opened his eyes. He found himself standing amongst the crowd of people. He looked around and he became stunned. He was back in the Beast Gods' Dimension. Why was he here?

As he further examined his surroundings, he seemed to see other beast gods and other normal beast residents. What was happening? The beast gods were supposed to be gone? They were supposed to have left the dimension a long time ago.

As the row of people continued to show their contempt on a supposedly considered a traitor that was walking in the middle of the unpaved street, the baby that was held by its mother started crying.

"Shh...shh... It's okay, little Pond. You'll be okay," the mother of the baby who was covered in dirt and ragged clothes said with a cheerful weak smile. Her once great strong reputation and beauty were nothing more but part of her past. She was unbothered by the hateful comments of the crowd.

Pond's eyes widened at the sudden realization. It seemed that he was back in the past. The baby must be him and that the person who held him was his mother.

He never knew or saw his parents since he became an orphan at such a young age.

Knowing that it was his mother, there was a mixture of feelings within him. Yet, overall he was somehow happy to see her. Although he was not quite sure why he was back in the past, with the current situation, he wanted to go and help his mother.

Unfortunately, even though he seemed to have a physical body, he was like a ghost. No one could see him nor hear him. Pond could not touch anyone nor communicate with anyone. He was dead after all.

Not being able to do anything to help his mother, Pond felt pained. Although he was unsure why she was treated this way, no one would like to see their parents suffer.

The residents began calling her names and threw things such as stones at her.

"Traitor! Go away!"

"You don't belong here!"

"How dare you still show your face here!"

Pond, although it was unreasonable, tried to shield her mother from the things that were being thrown to her. Sadly, it did not work.

When a stone hit his mother's head, she started bleeding. She seemed unaffected by it. It did not let it bother her, although the safety of her son concerned her.

As the atmosphere became more tense and violent, the traitor started to run towards the Beast God Emperor's palace. Pond followed her with a heavy heart.

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