Chapter 81 - Second Tower : Palace of Mirrors

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I entered a writing contest, so if you have free time please support me by reading and leaving a like:

(You can also enter the contest if you want by the way.)

Also, I think there are just be 6-7 chapters left for this story. Yeah, we're almost there.


As Tin and his team went inside the tower, they were transferred to another dimension.

When they entered the dimension, they immediately noticed a floating white palace in the sky. It looked like those typical castles found in Europe. The only difference was that it floated.

Since it was the only unique feature in this dimension, Tin and the others decided to enter the castle.

To get there, Pond summoned the Big Black Raven. He then urged everyone to ride his magnificent pet bird.

"Come on guys. Hop on!" he said as he gestured to them

Both Ae and Pete nodded. When they approached the black bird, it first scrutinized them as it frowned. It was as if it was trying to see if these people were worthy to ride on its back.

After its scrutiny, the Big Black Raven let out a small caw. "They can ride me," it said to Pond.

Pond patted his bird's head, "Thank you."

He then turned around at Pete and Ae. "Go on."

Pete nodded as he supported Ae first to get to the bird's back. Afterward, he went next.

When the two got on Pond's pet back, the beast god asked Can to go next. Unfortunately, before he could say anything, Tin already grabbed Can to his side.

"We'll see you at the entrance of the castle," Tin said indifferently as he flew towards the castle with Can. Since Can knew it was useless to tell Tin to just ride the Big Black Raven with the others, he just made a quick sigh.

"Be careful," Can told the others before he and Tin disappeared.

Pond knew that Tin was deliberately making him annoyed. What's wrong with flying together with them? The Big Black Bird had enough space on its back to accommodate all of them. Aside from that, it was quite fast too!

Not having the chance to argue with Tin, Pond just shook his head in annoyance. He jumped at the back of his raven pet.

"Hold tight," he said to his passengers.

Pond then tapped the head of the Big Black Raven and said, "Let's go."

The bird nodded and it flapped its wings. Within a minute or so, they reached the entrance of the castle.

When they met with Tin and Can, Tin was observing the gates of the castle. It had a strong defensive barrier. In any case, according to Tin's assessment, it should not be too hard to destroy.

"Move back," Tin told everyone. He stretched his right arm forward that faced the gates.

"Spirit Bombardment"

A small ball of white light that was the size of a coin appeared on the palm of his right hand. It may look deceiving due to its small size, but it could be considered as one of Tin's most powerful magical attacks.

Within that small ball of white light, tentacle-like arms came out of it and started pounding the gate's defenses. Each punch from the tentacles would create a small shockwave. Since these tentacles were pounding the gates a thousand times per second, those small shockwaves created a horrifying powerful earthquake that shook the entire castle.

A Magic to Melt A Heart (TinCan)Where stories live. Discover now