Chapter 101 - Rise of Secret ThanaGucci Fan Club

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Can thought that he would be able to sip some kind of alcohol this time without supervision. He was wrong. He was being supervised from the beginning.

"Why are you suddenly siding with Tin? Am I not your friend? I've been your friend longer than him," Can grumbled as he drank the vegetable mixed fruit juice. It was actually not that bad and he finished all of it in one gulp surprisingly. Of course, he did not let others see the satisfaction of drinking this concoction.

Kengkla, Techno, and Ae looked at one another. Is Can not aware of how scary and powerful his husband is? He does not need to use his magical power to crush them altogether, he could use his influence and wealth to destroy their families' businesses and cause them to be in serious destitute. Even if Can was their dear friend and brother, they could just not afford to lose everything from offending Tin!

"Can, it's not like that," Techno tried to comfort Can. "It's for your own good alright? Think of the baby inside you," he added.

"That's right, Can. You can still have fun with us without drinking alcohol," Ae said as he nodded.

Kengkla poured another juice mixture of vegetables and fruits into Can's glass. "Here, have another one. You can pretend it's liquor."

While the trio was trying to cheer up Can, Gucci wanted to try the alcoholic drinks. He never tried drinking this sort of liquid made by humans since apparently it was only meant for adults. Now that Gucci considers himself an adult, he thought he could drink liquor without a problem. Not asking for permission, he went ahead and poured himself some alcohol. He did not know what he should drink first so he decided to just grab the closest bottle of liquor to him on the table. It was vodka.

Pouring himself a glass of vodka, he went ahead and smelled it first. Since the smell of alcohol was faint, Gucci thought that it meant that it was weak. So, he decided to drink everything in one gulp.

As a collector type of beast, Gucci could be considered as someone who has great expertise at measuring and judging the value of items. Unfortunately, this great skill of his could only be applied to his world and not in the human world. With that gap of skill, he would not notice the strength of the effect of vodka on his small body.

Putting the empty glass back to the table, he suddenly felt a burning sensation from his mouth through his esophagus. It tasted quite horrible. How can humans enjoy this thing?

The warm sensation immediately spread through his face and his body causing him to turn red. As the effect of alcohol tends to affect beasts easier and earlier than humans do, Gucci could already feel his head turning.

Of course, for the humans in the bar, it was too late when they realized that Gucci went ahead and drank a glass filled with vodka.

"Ai! Gucci! You brat!" Techno shouted as he immediately went to Gucci's side.

"H-he-he...," Gucci looked up to Techno. "Uncle Techno, I feel light. I feel like I could easily fly."

"Are you already that drunk?" Techno asked as he grabbed the glass that Gucci drank with. He smelled it to figure out what the little adult drank.

Looking at everyone else, Techno expressed amazement, "Vodka. Full glass."

"Is he an idiot? He drank that much in one gulp?" Kengkla was in disbelief.

"Is this his first time drinking?" Ae asked Can who was already next to Gucci.

Can scratched his head as he nodded. This was not part of the plan!

Can wanted to invite Thanatos in the bar and imprison them here in the meantime so that he and Gucci could discuss their issues with one another. With Gucci drunk, how could they even talk at all? What a pain! Can already called Thanatos to come with them earlier and he would come within minutes!

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