Chapter 49 - The Moment Can Died

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"7 months ago? That long already? It felt like we've only been here for a week!" Can was shocked. He knew that it was impossible to determine the time in the Clouded Mist, but it was hard to believe that he was stuck in this place for such a long time. If this was the case, then everyone back in their world must have thought that he was already dead! Everyone that was close to him must be in so much pain and sorrow, especially his family. Knowing his mother and sister, they might feel quite miserable after they received the news of his death. To lose another family member would crush their hearts once again. 

His old master would probably be disappointed at him. His friends would be heartbroken.

And the moment Can thought about how Tin would react to his death, he was not quite sure how Tin would handle it. He could not imagine what Tin could possibly do.

Thinking all of this, he must return back to his own world as soon as possible.

Seeing the worry on Can's face, Xu Xian comforted him as he said "Can, don't worry. Since you're the new owner of this dimension, you should be able to open a portal back to our world."

Can faced Xu Xian and nodded. "You're right."

"Yes, as the new owner of this dimension, you have the ability to open a portal but..." Pond teasingly said towards his new owner.

"But what?" Can asked as he became anxious.

With a malicious smile, Pond replied, "You must be at least a High-level Tier 4 Rainbow Beast Summoner. By the looks of it, you just recently leveled up to a High-level Tier 1 Rainbow Beast Summoner thanks to me. Who knew you were such a weakling? I wonder what that idiot First Beast Summoner found in you to choose you as his successor."

When he heard the requirement to create a portal, Can could only pale.

Entering the Rainbow Grade is already quite difficult, but upgrading to higher tiers is more difficult. Only truly exceptional and lucky individuals can upgrade to higher tiers.

Can just leveled up into a High-level Tier 1 Rainbow Beast Summoner after making a contract with a beast god. He was just lucky this time that he was able to make such a break-through in a very short time. Usually, it takes many years for Orange Grade individuals to enter the Rainbow Grade. Those people who are Orange level would rely on their exceptional talents and extreme luck to become a High-level Tier 1 Rainbow individual. In Can's case, it was a miracle he became one immediately.

(A/N: You could refer to Index about levels.)

To upgrade to higher tiers, the requirements are much more difficult. Most of the High-level Tier 1 Rainbow Grade individuals, who are already rare to begin with, would never be able to move up to a higher tier and sometimes would even die trying. For the exceptional ones, usually, it would take decades to upgrade to Tier 2. One could only imagine how rare it is for someone to upgrade to higher tiers. This is one of the reasons why people who are Rainbow Grade are well-respected and sought for.

Thinking about this, if he needs to become a High-level Tier 4 Rainbow Beast Summoner, then it could mean that there was a possibility that he would not be able to return at all! What should he do now?

Sensing the gloom and frustration of his new master, Pond could not help it, but get irritated. He was waiting for Can to ask him for his help, because he knew a way to allow his new master to become a High-level Tier 4 Rainbow Grade Beast Summoner. Who knew that he would just stand there and not move at all!

"Why don't you ask me about a way to solve this problem?" Pond finally lost his patience waiting for Can to ask for help.

Can looked up and faced Pond with a glimpse of hope on his face. "You have a way?"

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