Chapter 62 - Punishment (Explicit)

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" did you get here?" Can anxiously asked as he pulled down his stained shirt to cover the lower part of his body. The lube inside his hole was dripping down to his legs. Tin could see it clearly due to the shimmering reflection of the lubricant from the light of the bathroom. He thought that Can must be really wet inside. Such thought caused him to become more eager to devour Can.

With a teasing smile, he replied, "I heard you calling my name several times."

Tin's senses have become more sensitive as he became more powerful, so the mere whispers that Can uttered in the bathroom while Tin was in his bedroom could be clearly heard.

"I thought at first, you were in trouble, so I came here to check on you," Tin slowly started to approach Can as he calmly continued to say, "I didn't know that you were actually doing something indecent."

Can could only gulp. Was he that loud? At this point, he was not quite sure how to respond after being caught.

"Still, shouldn't you knock?" Can asked with a sort of irritated voice. It was rude for Tin to just go inside the bathroom without knocking first!

Tin ignored Can's complain as his attention was directed at the package that was full of erotic things.

"You like these sort of things?" Tin grabbed the handcuffs and observed it.

"No, not in particular. Pete gave them to me," Can explained. He tried to get up to get those items, but the moment he stood up, his legs felt weak. Once again, he tried to stand, but he could not. It seemed that he spread his legs up for too long that they had become weak.

Tin's eyebrows were raised. He was slightly surprised. "Pete? Why would he give these to you?"

Since Can thought that he was already exposed, he might as well tell him what it was that he was doing. He must proceed with the plan to help Tin no matter what.

He took a deep breath real quick to relax, but he seemed to have become more nervous.

"Well, I-I'm trying to prepare myself," Can stuttered.

Tin was amused by Can's reaction. "Prepare for what?"

Can could not directly look into the other man's eyes because he was too embarrassed to say the truth. Tin should already have an idea already! Was he just teasing him?

Somehow the words were stuck in Can's throat that he could only whisper the truth. "I'm preparing myself to have sex with you," he momentarily paused as he complained subtly, "What other reason could there be for me to do this? Idiot."

Tin could clearly hear what Can said, but he wanted to tease him more.

"I didn't hear you," Tin said with a subtle smile.

Feeling provoked, Can quickly replied without any hesitation, "I said I'm preparing myself to have sex with you!"

As soon as he said those words, the color of his already flushed cheeks expanded all over his face and to his ears.

"Oh?" Even Tin was actually moved when he heard Can being this expressive and direct towards him.

"If that's the case, you should've told me sooner." Tin took the small brown box that contained the things that Pete gave to Can with his right hand.

He looked at Can and said, "If you wanted to prepare yourself, why not ask me directly?"

Tin then engulfed the package in black flame and burned it until it turned into thin smoke.

He then continued to say, "Wouldn't it better to have the real thing inside you? Those things are unnecessary."

Seeing the items that were given to him turn into smoke while he was about to pick up his underwear and pants on the floor, he suddenly became regretful and irritated. Those items were sincere gifts by Pete! They were also quite expensive and top quality! How could he just burn them!?

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