Chapter 88 - End of the Road

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"It's not okay at all, Pond. You''re...," Pete worriedly said as he was unable to continue. It was frustrating and painful for him to see that he could not help Pond in his situation when needed the most.

Pete shook his head. He refused to accept this grim situation. Once again, he tried to be optimistic. There must be a way. It cannot just end like this.

Carefully removing Pond's grasp on his hands, Pond said in a caring manner, "Let me try healing you once more. Yeah, that's it. I just probably need more spiritual energy!"

Pete forced a smile as he gripped his storage bag firmly. He started frantically looking for Spiritual Energy Recovery Potion and other potions that might be proven useful. His forced smile and calmness could be easily seen through by both Ae and Pond. They both could see the tears falling from Pete's eyes as his lips trembled. They could even hear his hiccups that he tried to suppress.

"Pete," Pond weakly whispered.

Pete did not listen. He was avoiding the sad truth.

"Don't worry, Pond, you'll be okay. It's going to be alright now. Just give me a few moments," Pete refused to acknowledge defeat. No, he just could not let it happen to a close friend.

Pond looked at Ae. He shook his head slightly as if telling him that there was no point. This was the end for him. The beast core inside of him was his life source. With it being heavily damaged, there was no way for him to survive. The Honglyun Sword was too fierce. Aside from damaging his beast core, any spell that would allow him to recover would not work. A mythical weapon of destruction indeed.

Based on Pond's estimation, he only had about a few minutes.

Ae understood Pond's meaning. He grabbed and squeezed Pete's arm to get his attention.

Pete momentarily stopped as he exchanged glances with Ae. Shaking his head slowly, Ae gestured Pete to stop. It was the end.

Pete was taken back to reality. But how could they just give up that easily?

He closed his eyes. "It can't be. We just can't give up..."

"Pete," Pond said once again with a much sincere and natural smile. His fate was already sealed and he knew that a day would come where karma would hit him.

Pete turned and looked at Pond whose condition was becoming worse.

"Thank you," Pond said with such tenderness as he nodded. He never felt such care and love from anyone aside from this group of people. This short period of being with them was worth the thousands of years he spent waiting alone. It might sound crazy to some, but it was definitely worth it.

"I'm really sorry," Pete finally surrendered. His emotions that he tried to suppress were finally let out. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Ae took him into his arms and tried to comfort him. "You did your best."

"Ae...," Pond continued.

"What is it?" Ae looked at him with a sad expression.

Pond coughed another mouthful of blood. He did not let it bother him as he wiped it off. "I have a confession."

"I already know," Ae interrupted as he looked down.

Pond was taken aback. How could he possibly know? It was then at that moment, he realized what he did. It seemed that Ae found out when he manipulated the Apostles with his ravens back in the second tower. That was why Ae acted differently afterward.

"I... I was waiting for the right time to tell you. Heh." Pond let out a small chuckle.

"I didn't expect that you would know already and I didn't expect it would be at this point where it would end." Pond looked up at the dark ceiling. He felt cold. He could smell the foulness of death and rotten flesh of this cave. The ground was pure dirt mixed with his blood. This was a sad place for his death. It just reminded him of the prison that he was in back in the Beast Gods' Dimension.

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