Chapter 126 - Twin's Curse and Gift

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Marco was sure that the black mist touched him. He felt it. The darkness that would consume him, it was there.

His body trembled. Was it the mark of his end?

He shook his head flicking the beads of sweat. No one has encountered or seen the cursed black mist in a long time. Perhaps it has weakened since curses feed on its host or goals. Since Alethran was abandoned by every beast god after the curse was unleashed, the curse itself should have been destroyed after a long time without a host to feed on. For it to survive this long, it must be certainly a powerful curse but it should have weakened by now. Still, it should have died a long time ago... unless there was a beast god living in this dimension. That was impossible. Only low-ranking beasts lived here and the supreme ruler is not a beast god.

Marco took a deep breath, he felt a little better with his conclusion. He clanged to that idea and ignore the other possibility.

As for the situation that he was in, how was he to deal with it? The man of the black mist was not moving. He was still in a bending position over the baby. As for the baby, well, it was still crying.

He must get the other baby no matter what. He already have one. Completion of the mission was a top priority.

Slowly he walked towards the baby and the cursed mist. Every step he took somewhat echoed in the already haunting palace main hall.

Still, no movement from the mist. What was it planning?

This time, Marco took a precaution. From his surroundings, he took in spiritual energy. It was wonderful. Absorbing spiritual energy in this dimension was much easier compared to the dimension that the beast gods went to. It was also plentiful compared to the ever-so drying spiritual energy resource from the other dimension. No wonder the beast gods were dying!

The spiritual energy in this dimension was very pure. It gives life to the very veins. It what gives power. To have life. It was so natural and it made him feel powerful.

With the refreshed power, he covered himself with magical barriers. He would hope that this would allow him to repel any of the cursed mist's attempts to touch him. Although he was touched already earlier, he did not feel any form of retaliation from the mist. There was a sense of much relief in him doing this.

Soon he was a step away from the shadow. Still, no movement from the shadow.

Marco did not say anything. He did not want to. He was afraid that the moment he says something, it could trigger the black mist to do something. There was even something sinister if this black mist in its human form start talking.

He bent right next to the human shadow and was careful not to touch any of its parts. His movements were quick. Bent then grabbed the baby then jumped away from the shadow. He was not paying attention to the twins that he now has but to the shadow that still bent. No movements from it.

Sighing in relief, he stepped away slowly as he still observed the shadow. As soon as he turned around, he began to run speedily to the exit of the main hall and away from the palace to meet his sister. He did not know that as soon as he left the main hall, the shadow has disappeared as well.

On the main battlefield, Can was huffing badly. Cuts, bruises, and a few broken ribs were received from the battle against Maririn. Even with the Guyak shield, Can was still in an unfortunate state. The Guyak shield requires a lot of spiritual energy and Can was barely supporting it. This woman was also just too strong.

Another round of exchanging blows happened and this time Can was thrown off balance. He flew and landed on the ground causing tremors in the surrounding area. Piles of dirt splattered causing a vast dust smoke.

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