Chapter 22 - Bribe and Crazy Master

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The Summoner Beast Competition is coming to its end on its fifth day, Friday. Every participants in the competition have worked so hard in order to get into the top 100. A lot of them were able to enter the rankings, but some of them did not. Some of the beast summoners in the top 100 were replaced and felt the bitterness of defeat, but they will try again next year. As of now, the awarding ceremony is taking place.

In the coliseum, all the dozen stages that were used for dueling these past few days were already torn down and removed. The only thing that was left in the field of the coliseum was a huge stage for the awarding ceremony. It was not as grand as people may think. It was a quite simple white stage where there is a large wooden table in the middle of it. In front of that stage were the top 100 beast summoners sitting in their chairs. They were eagerly waiting for their names to be called and receive, not only the official recognition of their ranking but their other awards also.

As every participant knows, the top 100 are guaranteed to get unlimited supply of low-grade materials necessary to create beast food and to summon low-tier beasts. The top 50 are guaranteed to get a certain amount of mid-tier materials. The top 25 are guaranteed to get a supply of mid-tier beast food. The top 10 will receive a one-on-one training with high level veteran beast summoners and trainers. The top 3 are guaranteed to get a certain amount of high-tier materials. The top 1 is certain to get high-tier beast food and training manuals.

The dean of the university who looked very young despite his age and the high-level rainbow grade beast summoners were present on the stage. They will be calling out the rank 100 beast summoners and handing out the awards. There was a hint of excitement that could be seen, not only in the top 100 and other people that were present but also in the dean's eyes and some of the high-level rainbow grade beast summoner veterans.

They were happy about the outcome of the competition since there were exceptional students who shined throughout the event. Now the only problem is that these beast summoner veterans have to compete to get those exceptional students to their side and train them. By getting these exceptional students, their influence could increase and their fame would soar more. Most of them would like to take the one who made the whole event interesting, Can Rathavit. With the performance that he demonstrated, only a fool would not want to take him as a disciple so even if the competition has already ended, the competition among the veterans is yet to start.

"Ahem, we will commence the awarding ceremony," the dean of the university said with enthusiasm. Despite his looks, he still held an authoritative voice so everyone paid attention.

The top 10 beast summoners were, of course, sitting in the very front row. Ae who is still unsurprisingly the top 1 was sitting in the very first chair. Techno who successfully managed to take rank 5 was naturally sitting in the 5th chair. Kengkla easily took rank 6 and was sitting next to Techno. Can who was 8th rank was obviously in the 8th seat listening to the dean's speech.

Since calling the students starting from rank 100 until top 10 will take a while, people in the front row were in their phones. Can who checked his phone got a message. Sure enough, it was from Tin.

Tin: "I'll take you after your awarding ceremony." (sent at 9:30 a.m.)

Can: "So early!?" (sent at 9:31 a.m.)

Tin: "There's nothing else you will do after." (sent at 9:31 a.m.)

Yesterday, Tin asked if Can could cook for him in his house. Can was hesitant about it but after his mom happily and sort of forcefully allowed him to go, he eventually said yes. The thing that Can did not know was that his mother and sister were bribed to have a 3-day vacation to Japan to visit the most luxurious hotel spa in the country. If Can knew about this shady collaboration of his family and Tin, he would fume in anger and probably not talk to them for a week.

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