Chapter 83 - Guyak Shield

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"That's odd," Pete pointed out as he observed Can's clone.

Both Pond and Ae looked at him then quickly redirected their gaze at the said clone.

"He doesn't have Can's shield!" Ae said in a surprised tone. "Why is that?" Ae continued to wonder.

Pond started contemplating about this odd situation as he redirected his gaze towards his master, who was focusing on helping Tin. Witnessing how Can was eager to sacrifice himself earlier to save Tin just showed how much he really cared about him. Despite knowing the fact that there was no point in pursuing him, it still stung Pond's heart. It was another slap of reality for him.

Shaking his head, Pond put this heartbreaking thought behind him. Even though it hurts him to think that there was no chance between him and Can since the beginning, as long as his master is happy, then he would be happy too. He would move on eventually and be numb from the pain.

Going back to the topic about the shield, Pond was rather mystified about the true nature of the shield. He knew that it was a treasure from the Beast Gods' Dimension left by the First Beast Summoner, but it was the only treasure he did not really know anything about. Although the shield looked quite rusty and unappealing, it was ranked as a Legendary grade defensive tool. To Pond's assessment, it would be definitely at one at the top ranks of best defensive tools. Yet, even though this was the case, how was it that Can's clone was unable to imitate it? These clones could clearly imitate Legendary grade tools easily with a simple wave of a hand.

(A/N: Ranking: Common -> Uncommon -> Rare -> Epic -> Legendary -> Mythic (from Index))

As he thought about this situation more, a sudden realization came to his mind. This realization that he thought was something that seemed to be impossible to happen at all. Goosebumps slowly appeared on the entirety of his body. He was momentarily stunned.

"Unless?" Pond whispered as he took a closer look at the shield that was being held by Can.

Although his whisper was soft, both Pete and Ae were able to hear him properly.

"What did you find out, Pond?" asked by Pete with anticipation in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken....," Pond paused as he cleared his throat, "...that's the Guyak Shield." There was still some hesitation regarding the identity of the shield, especially since the appearance of that shield was nowhere close to the infamous Mythical grade defensive tool. Instead of a rusty looking shield, it should have a shiny polish that could reflect the face of the person that looks at it. Aside from that, it also has a huge leaf-like white pattern on its front.

 Aside from that, it also has a huge leaf-like white pattern on its front

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